

A PANDEMIC Freezer Near You
These car starts and I am
off down the street
the hill I just drove pass
Is strap but
my stomach felt it but
we still drove it anyway
like a rollercoaster
at a theme park
So I drive listening to the music
on the road
Then I see people running
up the road so I am
thinking. what is down there
Then I see it is a road block
And men with guns
They say passport
then I showed them then
he gives it back
then he lets me go
But as I am going
they look at me 😨 sacred
but I go on any way
then I see the body's
And I scream
Then I turn the car around
And drive back to. across
The road block
So the men laugh an say
why didn't you tell me
So I drive back home
And get out the car mad
But I thank God
That I am still alive
Cause I saw and drove up
close to
An area which had.
a large number of death.
But I went in the house
And. I surprised
A man stealing my
meat out the deep freeze
hey what you doing
The markets are to high
hey principle. woofer
you got to share and budget
like everybody else.
No. I am sick of this covid 19
And lines youngest give me
that beef I got a gun
what. you. an educator
you are to know better
Not during these times I lost
my. side job women and house
an I didn't get a. stimulus check
So your. freezer meat is mine
now walk on. an tell your mother
I said hi
What and then he runs. away on foot
into the night
I did not. know he could run that fast
But he did
So. I call to my mom
And she say the. old principle
just stole 5 packs of meet
And pulled a gun on me
oh it's ok that meat was bad
if he eats. it he will. go into the hospital. an. get sick it is 8 months
pass due I just never cleaned that out
So he will not get far
with that camp in the woods
he will be yelling in pain by morning
way to go mother
Then we hi five.
The End