

The Poetry Contest!
Due to pollution of the body, by any form of sexual immorality and perversion, there's also an instantaneous autolysis/breakdown of the spirit man, which render it dead, useless and cause an abrupt disconnection between the Creator and the created (Man).
According to 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, it is stated that we should flee from all forms of sexual appearance, of course the King married a very beautiful woman, but Mr. Joseph knew he had a greater glory ahead of him, so he had to flee.
Those that defiled themselves in the Bible faced the consequences, even David was not exempted. People continue to enjoy sexual sin and are so ignorant of the spiritual aspect, because they are too blind to see the transactions taking place in the realms of the spirit, that's why they come up to defend themselves and console themselves on things that are wrong to make it seem right, "there's a way that seemeth right but the end thereof is destruction."
Deviate and abstain from all appearance of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:22.

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*
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