

Hiding In Plain Sight
A dance was an art form, whether in front of an audience full of gentlemen and ladies or in front of lascivious losers in a bar. She swirled around the pole as graceful and elegant as a respectable ballet dancer lost in the beauty of her own motions. Her eyes behind the mask that had been closed, opened as her set ended and locked directly with the steely, grey eyes of the man in the front row. Her heart skipped a beat. He knew who she was!... oh,God he found me. After all this time, he found me. What do I do to get to my purse where my phone is. I need to call Paul. He is the only one that can help me. I have been in witness protection for five years. How did he find me. Someone had to have tipped him off. Ok, ok. Slow your breathing and calm down maybe I can find a way to get past him. Yes. I have an idea. I'm just going to do it. I started down the steps to the floor where the customers sit and my feet slipped and I fell. Knowing that the bouncer would rush to me and tore me to the dressing room. I cried and asked him to call an ambulance. Yes. I knew that Eddie the bouncer wouldn't allow anything to happen to me.
© Matilda Hodges