

I know that being a boy isn't a piece of cake either. Maybe you don't have the same problems as girls but you have your own problems , that are not talked about .Being a boy isn't as liberal and freedomatic as it is displayed . It is not at all easy to be guarded by being "strong".

It's alright to cry , be broken , to let your guard fall ,to pour your heart out at times when you can't hold your feelings within yourself anymore. You're always supposed to listen to yourself before anyone else (girls AND boys , both). IT IS YOUR LIFE TO LIVE , NO ONE ELSE'S .

Boys want hugs , but never ask for it , they want to he heard but there's no one to hear them out , they want to open up so bad , but hold back their feelings,all because society expects boys to always look tough.

I'm sorry , i misunderstood so much .

Just remember this: crying doesn't justify your strength , it simply means that words have failed to express your heart, thereby crying is wholly normal .

boys , you can choose to not be "manly" if you don't want to . JUST DON'T LET THE EXPECTATIONS BY SOCIETY OVER-SHADOW "YOU ".

© manmeet