

Out A Cellphone
A drink of water the man said
and before the clerk
could give him one the guy had
cell phone saying your next
Then he laughed and the man
with the phone holds it at the
man. An the caller says hello
man you are not to be like
you were not going to get a call.
I was going to pay
yeah so now you are seeing me
in this man's phone and this will
be the last time that you
see anybody
so you should have been a better
friend. Now I see you are gone.
Then the guy holding the phone shoots the man and is this who
knows but this guy with the phone
and gun got more people to visit
Because times are cold and evil
is just always around doing wild
all over this place. So now he his a job hold the phone an kill for these people
are targets and I am the chess board
clearing them off when I get them
out the way.
But I just hold the phone so what
is the crime in that. Then he gets in a car and drives off an I just look shocked because where will he show
up next. Then I go in the house and have a bad dream about him an sure
enough. They put me in the phone
so I get a plant ticket. an get away. But
I go they won't find but no. They are
on the seat next to me an when I go to the bathroom on the plane the phone the bathroom did you think that it was going to be that easy I cry no and I run out the bathroom door and the killer stabs me and I fall on the floor while he hides the knife and goes back to his seat. Now plant staff want to know how I cut myself and I say killer an point but the man not in his seat he in the planes cargo. And he jumps
out and no one see her killer or stabber.
© lashes M