

The journey to find yourself
Madhu , who everytime get disappointed by others because she always find her ' happiness ' in others . She never trust , love , actually she never try to knew herself . She cried when her friends didn't talk to her , she felt , she is nothing without any other support without her friends . She never introspect herself , her potential , her strength ; she was only a lack of confidence , dumb and a dull person . She get teased everytime no one likes her , whenever she trust anyone her trust gets broken . She suffered , suffered a lot , cried a lot .. She has become nothing in everyone's eyes and only a matter of laugh , entertainment and everybody makes fun of her .
This effects her mentally and physically , her academic performances became poor day by day . Atlast she get tired of herself , she gets broken and cursed her life for what she had suffered . Really ? No , the truth is she herself was responsible for what was happened to her not her life .
Whether a person is good or bad , dumb or intelligent if a person doesn't trust , love , care and respect theirselves no one can do .
And that's what happen with her one day , she understands her mistakes but before that also , she learn , she fall , she cried , she gets humiliated but atlast her PAINFUL JOURNEY makes her so strong , makes her to understand
And the day she started to love , trust and respect herself . Now she doesn't need to depend on anyone for her happiness , she doesn't want to beg for anyone's friendship even now everyone wants to be her friend .
So when you found yourself , the life will also found you and the love , happiness is all yours .


© aaradhya..🍁