

Falling out of the Dark
My day started out as any other day would, I woke up, got ready for school and once I got there, I would just stare out the window until the day was done then I could go to the one place I felt most at home, the library. An endless cycle of boredom and uninterest in the daily world, or at least that’s how I thought it would go until you spoke to me. We’ve been classmates for more than half a year and for some reason you chose today to enter my little world…

Sitting in the hospital and waiting to be called for, I noticed a handbook with the name “Olivia” on it. I thought it was a coincidence that the name was the same as a classmate of mine so I just put it down on the seat and continued to read. My curiosity got the better of me and I opened the book, to my surprise it was a diary and a to do list “its been two weeks and the doctors still won’t tell me what’s wrong with me”. “Today my mom came to see me and it seemed like she was crying, I wonder why” “I found out that I have a brain tumor, I don’t know how to feel about this” after the last entry I couldn’t read anymore, my name was called and I got a fright. I put the book down, got the prescription and left in a hurry.

Looking for a book to pass the time, I reached out for “The Art of War” and so did you. “Sorry you can have it” was the first words you ever said to me and my reply “It’s fine, you take it. I’ve read it before so you take it” you smile, thanked me, then left without another word. A few days went by and I was enjoying my little world of books until you popped up “Hey, Steven right. I’m Olivia, we haven’t officially met but I’m in your class, I’m two seats in front of you” it was surprising to hear your voice again but I kept wondering why you were speaking to me “Yea it’s Steven and I know who you are” I said coldly not knowing what you wanted “Can I help you with anything Olivia?” I said begrudgingly “No not really, I just wanted to say hi and return this book you let me take, anyway bye Steven” you said with a smile, leaving me to wonder what was wrong with you.

It’s been two weeks now and I see you in the library every day, “is she stalking me or am I crazy, she must just enjoy the peace, yea that has to be it” that thought going through my head non-stop, only making me more and more curious as to why you were here. “Hey Steven, are you free on Saturday?” “That depends, why are you asking?” I hastily replied “Well there is this desert place I wanted to go to and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me” the only thought on my mind was “is this some type of joke??” but I replied “yea, sure. Where should I meet you?” “At the station by the mall, ill be there at 11:00 so don’t be late” you left with a smile that left me in a bit of a daze.

That Saturday I was at the station at 10:45, I decided to be a little early and I read while waiting for her. She stunned me with her beauty when I saw her, she had a beautiful smile with an outfit that complimented her in every way “ Have you been waiting long?” was the first thing you said “No not really, I just got here” she smiled, grabbed my hand and we left to this dessert bar. Soon the sun was setting and we wound up walking on the beach. After such a wonderful day I asked “why did you ask me to join you today? Why not ask one of your friends instead?” she looked at me then smiled and said “I like you and I wanted to see who you were outside of school” I blushed “for some reason I find that hard to believe, there are way more cuter, funnier, athletic and popular guys than me out there” to which you said “ well true, but none of them know that I have a tumor and none of them are you” I looked at her in shock “why would you think I knew that” “well you were reading my diary in the hospital not too long ago and I was curious to see the type of person you were. When I found out, I found myself slowly falling for you” i was left speechless and you had a faint smile, you were bashful and i had no reply...

© Brooklyn.C