

Elite (Part 4)
She had no choice but continue on her original path, West.Tes wasn't sure what she would do once she reached the islands. In the back of her mind she knew she had to hide. Knowone knew what had happened in the woods except for her and the other Nox who got away, no, who she let get away. For a moment she regretted allowing him to flee, it would have been so easy to use her power to end his life just as quickly as all those he had taken before-. She clenched her fists as she felt the familiar wave of emotion crest inside of her. Over the last few days she hadn't let herself think about what happened mere miles behind her, when she did the darkness would peek inside her, begging for release. Tesa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her heart ached for what she had left behind, her life before this terrible nightmare.

The trees became farther and farther apart as she continued on throughout the day, and by nightfall she had reached a small village of Unanwen locals. Approaching the town she pulled the hood on her cloak over her head, it was already dark out, but The Nox might already have a bounty over her head and she wasn't taking any chances. The town was quiet except for the sound of her boots crunching on the gravel road she squinted into the night, wishing she could bring fire to her hand to light the way, but she couldn't risk someone seeing her. Tes continued until she came to a building with lit windows and boisterous laughter emitting from the lit up windows. The sign above the door read: “ The BlueUnicorn; Pub and Inn.”. Though the Pub part was exactly thrilling, the Inn meant shelter and shelter meant a bed. Her stiff muscles seemed to beg her to stop for the night. She pulled out the small pouch of coins that she had taken with her and strode through the door.

Inside round tables were scattered throughout the room all lined with men downing different assortments of ale. Some lay passed out, their hands holding an empty flask, others were belching and laughing as they conversed (rather loudly) with their table partners. Piano was playing in the background and the air was thick with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Gathering up her confidence, she strode through the crowd and up to the bar where a rather burly woman was passing drinks out to customers.

She cleared her throat, “Excuse me?” The woman continued pouring drinks. Well that was embarrassing, she thought. “Excuse me!” The woman finally turned and addressed Tesa with a raised eyebrow.

“How old are you girl?” The bartender looked her up and down with a skeptical gaze.

“Nineteen,” she lied, “I'm looking to rent a room for the night, how much?” Tesa stood up a little straighter and attempted to look older than her 16 years.

“How much do you have?” the woman asked, a greedy glint in her eyes

“Depends on what you say.” Tes responded with a glare. The woman thought for a moment, sizing her up.

“Where are you coming from?” The woman seemed to be getting more and more nosey as the conversation went on and it was making her nervous.

“The Southern Forest, now, I will give you 10 nadma for the room.” she thought for a moment and then added 2 more silver pieces to the pile, “10 for the room, 2 for your silence.” The woman snatched up the coins and put them in a pouch around her waist. Then passed her a dense metal key.

“Upstairs second room on the right.” The woman turned and dismissed her without a second glance. Glaring, Tesa turned around only to be knocked backward, she cursed as she felt gravity pulling her to the ground. Suddenly she felt sturdy hands come to her arms, steadying her. Tes looked up in alarm into a pair of abnormal but kind eyes. The man she ran into looked to be about 18 or 19, he was several inches taller than her, with dirty blonde hair and a dusting of freckles on his nose and below his eyes. He had angular and slim features, though she could tell he was strong from the way he carried himself. He was looking down at her with a smile playing on his lips.

© KordeliaRose_writes