

Omolara's Cross Episode 3
Omolara's heart raced as she stepped off the plane in Abuja. Kunle's sister, Yinka, greeted her warmly and led her to the car.

As they drove, Omolara's anxiety grew. What would her daughter be like? Would she forgive Omolara for not being there?

When they arrived at Yinka's house, Omolara saw a young girl playing in the garden. She had Omolara's eyes and Kunle's smile.

"Tiwa, come meet your mother," Yinka called out.

Tiwa looked up, curious, and Omolara's heart melted. She knelt down, and Tiwa cautiously approached her.

"Hello, sweetie," Omolara said, her voice trembling. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

Tiwa looked up at Yinka, then back at Omolara. "Mummy?" she asked, her voice uncertain.

Omolara nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, baby. I'm your mummy."

But just as they hugged, Yinka dropped another bombshell: "Omolara, there's something you should know. Kunle isn't Tiwa's biological father."

Omolara's world spun around her again. What did Yinka mean? Who was Tiwa's real father?

(To be continued)

© Promise Okon