

My awaited love
It was a sunny day and I got a call from my high school best friend (Jessica) saying"I am getting married, I have sent you everything in the mail so don't forget to come. And I invited all our classmates so don't forget to come before 3 days. Ok bye my fiance is calling me." I was really shocked when she suddenly told me about her wedding but more than her wedding I was shocked to hear about her saying that she called all our high school classmates😱😱. That day I spent my whole day thinking about this only🤔🤔😭😭. Then I decided to go and attend her wedding ceremony, I packed all my clothes and necessary things. And I went through the bus she booked for everyone to come. Actually I was very happy that my money is saved and I went happily without thinking about anything.
When I climbed in the bus I saw everyone and I was shocked time see everyone, I thought only few people would come but I saw all the seats were occupied by everyone🤯🤯. I went inside the bus to search if any empty seats were left or not? I saw that there was one but I hesitated to sit there, so I went on searching but there was none. So I had no choice and sat there itself😔😔. Guess who was there🤔🤔??It was the person whom I liked secretly in my highschool 'Oliver'😭😭. He was very quiet, calm and cool then also and now also he didn't changed. Like how he used to wear his headphones and was different from everyone, today also he was wearing his headphones and was resting. I was a bit scared also but I calmed down myself and sat there😣😣😖. The bus started to move and my level of anxiousness kept on raising😫😫🥵. But I pretended like nothing happened and to distract myself I started looking out the window, suddenly someone called my name and asked me about my conditions. Hearing to that Oliver woke up and saw towards me😩. But I was busy in chatting with person who called me so I didn't notice him properly. After seeing me he didn't ask anything instead he put on his headphones and completely ignored me😩😩🥴. I was pissed off 🤐🤐. But after some time I didn't bother myself thinking about him instead I also involved myself I music and was enjoying the tour, then all of a sudden he called my name for the first time ever in my life. He said"Miss.Venus ..." but me being overexcited and asked "What happened Oliver?" He said "Can you please close the windows?" I was again pissed off by him. 😫😫🤯🤯🤯😖😖. I said "Ok I will do it" Without even thinking that I have bus sickness😷🤢, if the windows are not open then I will puke just after 5 minutes the windows being closed🤮🤮. I immediately opened the windows and I felt being refreshed but again this person asked me"Why did you open them again?" I replied "I have bus sickness so can you please adjust?" So he said "Then I am fine, you can continue" I was very embarrassed but I had no option. The bus came to stop where there was a hotel and I was very famous in eating back then also and I am now also😁😁. I didn't know about it and I was sleeping like something in the bus without any manners. Someone woke me up and when I opened my eyes it was Oliver.... 😨😨. I was shocked for a moment and then I realized that I was on a journey 😅😅. He said me wake up and asked me " Do you have a boy friend? " I was like what the heck man? 🤬🤬 . He asked me again so I reluctantly replied "No✖ I don't but why do you ask? " He said "I didn't mean to ask but Johns requested me to ask so did I." But me who was deep drooling in my imaginations came back😵😵.But now I decided to go to the backseat instead of sitting next to him .Even I was excited to talk with all of my classmates.
I asked him to mve but he didn't hear, I repeated thrice but he didn't respond so I had no choice except sitting next to him. I decided that when our bus will stop for lunch I will go back but plan failed wanna hear how then hear As our bus stopped everyone on the bus got down they even called me to join but I didn't go why because I refused them as I was in a deep sleep with a comfortable cushion and with a cool air conditioner😪😪😴😴. But when I woke up I saw that the comfortable cushion was Oliver's legs and the air which came from air conditioner was from the windows. Once again I was so embarrassed that I wanted to get off the bus or change seats immediately. I tried to call my friend who was sitting in backseat but she was very busy with her own issues. I couldn't tolerate and I shouted " Can you please move aside?" All the members in the bus woke up and were staring at me but this person put off his headphones and said boldly "No, I will not" .All the members were laughing at me and I was pissed off again. So I decided to shut my mouth and sat there , it was already past 7 and it was just a half day passed we still had to travel for 3 more days thinking about it only made me feel to hit my head to a wall for thinking to save my money for this embarrassment.
We stopped for dinner and this time instead of me he was in deep sleep but by all himself, I wanted to use this chance to run away but when I looked at him my eyes we're stuck at him liking at his charms only. Then I hooked up myself and jumped off the seat . Then I got down from the bus and went to have my dinner with my friends because since I got on the bus I didn't even say “HI” to them. As I got down the bus even he came with his headphones on. I rushed with everyone and while we were eating suddenly Johns confessed his feelings for me in front of everyone, I didn't say anything but still I felt happy I don't know why. Maybe it was because someone confessed me in front of the person I like. I acted like I was feeling shy but as I started acting Oliver went back to the bus. So I said Johns " Sorry but you the person whom I like right? " You were the first one I said about him ", so Johns said "Were you shocked ?🤣🤣I did this because Jessica asked me to do this. She said me to make Oliver jealous so that he should say what he feels for you so all the members in the didn't leave a seat for you except the one next to him .Did you feel happy? " He asked , so I replied " Yes I enjoyed it thoroughly" Were you all thinking that I would be like the girls in dramas and all. Never I would never do that. I said him further plan also about how to make him jealous 😁😁. All my classmates supported me except three girls, I'm that three the head and my enemy was Romi the person who likes the person I like and she will be always roaming around him. We didn't say her and her group anything about our plan and we continued to get on the bus pretending like we don't know anything . We didn't sit instead we were standing in front of seat where Oliver was sitting. We pretended to laugh loud and talk like we both accepted each other. He still looked calm and cool 😎 😌. The one who was worried was me and Johns😩😩. We thought this plan didn't work out so we decided to go back to our seats but suddenly out of nowhere Romi came and sat in my seat and said"Till you complete talking and laughing with Johns , I will sit here ok?" The one was supposed to be jealous is calm and cool but the one wanted to be calm and cool was jealous. I went and sat with Johns in the backseat, for sometime I was worried but afterwards I started to enjoy with them. I actually forgot about Oliver itself. But until Romi have not done that . She wanted to make a good impression in front of Oliver, so she applied Jasmine based perfume sitting next to him. As per as I know he hates that smell and he is severely allergic to that perfume. Once even I did that his nose started to bleed and he fell unconscious. From that day to till now I don't wear flower based perfumes 😓😓. He was well for five minutes so I thought that he came over it but the same thing repeated today with him but not because of me but because of Romi.
I was very angry with her but I controlled my anger an said driver to immediately drive to hospital . When we were in school the doctor said to his mother that he should either be given oxygen or CPR within 5 minutes otherwise he may die. So I didn't have any option and I did CPR to him . There were no hospitals around but luckily we got an small hospital where we could admit him. We took him in there and the treatment everything was done. As soon as the doctor came out,I saw his face and thought something was wrong but I didn't stop myself and I went to him asked "What happened doctor?" The doctor replied,“Sorry, I was not able to make him die, he is definitely fine. It is because you did CPR which was most important,if you would have not done that he would have died. It is like more than me you saved his life.He will be perfectly alright by tomorrow . You can take him home today itself but he needs someone to be by his side for few days because most of his blood has flowed when he was nose—bleeding at that time. So you should take care of him because you saved his life and even feed him also. As I said earlier that his hands will be very weak for few days . So you can take him now and remember that he should sleep comfortably.” I said “ Ok doctor I will follow all the conditions you said.”
(Few moments before)
Inside the hospital room, Oliver was awaken and when the doctor was testing him...
He said “Doctor ,can you do me a favour? ” The doctor immediately rejected at first but when Oliver said all about the things happened earlier. The doctor said “ Ok I will surely help you.”
(Oliver speaking now)
Venus came to my room and as she was helping me to get up 😁😁, suddenly Jonhs came and said Venus to go out and sit inside the bus. He also said her not to worry about me and wait inside, it made me feel very sad 😔😔😞because as I thought I got a chance to get closer to Venus, this idiot came off. Upon this he likes Venus and literally he is my enemy😠😠. I said it's ok but he pulled me and went but after Venus went he left me in between and said not to pretend, I was shocked 😱😓for a moment but I pretended to not know what he was saying. So I asked him 🧐🤨"What are you talking about?" So he answered " I know that you like Venus, but do you know one thing ,Venus thinks that it's a plan we made for her to make both of you unite, but actually I made this plan to get close to her. When we were in school I liked her but I couldn't confess my feelings to her because she said that she likes you a lot, so I hesitated to confess my feelings to her. But then I thought I should do it and I don't care about consequences, but not too long she left school the next day itself. I didn't know the reason, I went in search of her, at home, at her grandma's home and even to her strict uncle's home also, but I couldn't find her😔😔😩😢😢. The wedding ceremony which I came to attend is not because of Jessica but it's because of Venus." I was so shocked to listening to this and asked him " Leave the school matter,how did you know that I am able to walk properly and my hands are not weak? Did you listen the conversation between the me and doctor?Huh?" So he said "I didnt mean to but accidentally I overheard the conversation between you and the doctor. So Only I came here before you tried to get closer to Venus. Hahahahaahha😁😁😁😆😆my plan worked out. I will not let you get closer to Venus at all😎😎." (Oliver) Ooooo so you pretended in front of whole class like you were trying to unite us. Now I realize why was she acting like a mad suddenly after the dinner. That too standing right next to me. So what plans you have made I have no interest in that but the truth is she likes me now also. I took very long time to realize this. Thank you Johns for helping me. Ok so you continue with your plans and I will continue with mine.
Sudden scream........Johns, Oliver where are you?? Come fast, the bus is gonna leave soon.........
We both went in and sat but I sat next to Venus😊😊which made Johns feel so sad and jealous, I was so happy 😁😁about it. And we continued .It was past 12 already, everyone were sleeping except me and Venus. I requested Venus to sleep but she didn't because she took the doctor's words so seriously that she said she is gonna stay awake till morning and she also said that if she sleeps who is gonna take care of me🥰🥰🥰😌which made me feel a thing called 'shy'. But I pretended to be calm and cool even though I had the same feelings for her which she is having for me. I said (making my voice little tight)"If you wanna sleep means sleep don't bother about my matters "But she was stricter than me, so what do you think she said? She replied (making her voice more tighter than me) " Will you please shut up and sleep now? Think of it as you are doing me a favour, ok? So instead of this I will owe a favour, deal?" So I said " You promised so let's make it as a deal"And I soon fell asleep.
Now listen the other part of story from her only because I wanna sleep 💤😴.
( Venus speaking now)
As he fell asleep I was continuously staring at him because it was easy for me to stare at him as he accidentally fell asleep on my laps. I was feeling so happy that he is lying on my laps,but when I was staring at him,I was deeply involved in his face structure.Let me describe,his eyelashes were so long, his lips were perfectly- shaped, his nose was very cute. The more I stared at him the more curious I was"So I decided to distarct myself by listening to songs 🎧🎵. But I didn't know when I fell asleep. As I woke up I saw that my face was sticked to him, so I got up and saw around. I was relieved that everyone were still sleeping😴💤. ( Everyone got up before them and took pictures of them and now are pretending to sleep, including Oliver) I wanted some more sleep so I rested on his hands by completely forgetting about his pain. He suddenly shouted " Ouchhhhhh, my hand"I woke up and saw that everyone were seeing us only, so I closed his mouth and said everyone that he is okay now. I scolded him and asked why did you shout, I hardly fell asleep(she was sleeping from three hours and Oliver suddenly saw that someone is moving, so he shouted to not make anyone supscious about him.) Oliver said " Did you forget what the doctor said that my hands will be weak for few days. Last night you were acting like you would take care of me with lots of love.. no.. no.. I mean with patience and care. But now you are hurting me even more."I was very angry at what he said but I controlled it and pretended to calm and answered " Mr. Oliver would you please get up if you are done? Because I have a very urgent work to do. " He asked me what is that so important than me "So I replied that " There are many but right now I wanna pee. "😖😖😖I said" Move please..... " So he was like "Ok I will but how can I when my hands are so weak and on top of that no one is there inside the bus except me and you." 😑😑 I threw him and rushed towards the washroom. I don't know who picked him up but he was sitting. I asked him "Are you alright?" So he said "How could I be fine when you threw me to a side and went?
If Romi was not here I had to struggle until you came. Ok come and feed me now " he ordered. But me who was busy in thinking how could Romi even come in front of him, when she did this to him!! 😒🧐🧐😒. Oliver was very happy for some reason that even I didn't know(actually Oliver was happy thinking that Venus is jealous).
(Oliver speaking to himself now)
I was happy that Venus is taking care of me but I hesitated to show that because I was busy in acting all cool and calm by myself, which was really a BIGHEADCHE for me. Top of this,my great enemy(talking about Johns with lot of anger😡😡😤) showed up again in front of Venus to show that he is very caring, and loyal. But I messed up his plan and I said " Don't get bothered about me and Johns I even heard there was a planning and of something 😏😏 related to me and Venus. I actually wanted to know what plan is being planned about me 😏😏🤓!!" "You want to know what is it about??" replied Johns. Me little scared but didn't show that and said "Yes, sure why not? (with a cool but trembling voice) Johns being scary said " Do you know........... It is about your upcoming ............ birthday!!!! 😏😏😏" Me shocked till death 😱😱that he changed his words suddenly but I said "Ohhhh, okk I totally forgot about my birthday only. I would like to say thanks to you all(with shocked and shaking voice?)"
So Johns said, " Don't thank us thank Venus because she was the only one who remembered among all of us." Me being very happy and relaxed but also embarrassed about what he said and replied " Ohh so this was the matter".Venus started scolding Johns about revealing the plan!!! 😡😡😤. I was happy when she was scolding but I was angry when he held her hands and was running behind her😒😖😣. Then we went to have breakfast and when Venus went to washroom she didn't return even afer 10 mins so I asked her friends to search for her, they came and said that "We searched all over the place but we couldn't find her😩😖😖"
(A sudden call with a creepy and scary voice) "Hello is this Venus friend, Venus is with me, I kidnapped her....... 😨😨
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