

This is a story that had stuck with me right from my middle school days .

There was a King, mighty and powerful with a wise council of ministers to aid him in his administrations . The king truly relied on his ministers before he took every decisions , regardless of it's importance . He had more deeper respect for the oldest and wisest minister among the group who had also served his father .
One day , as the king was walking by , his hand accidentally got hurt from a splinter poking out from the newly built wooden door . There was a deep gash on his index finger . Now the King , known for his temper tantrums , summoned the carpenter who had built the door , and then asked the ministers to give their view on it . Most of the ministers in order to get earn the King's favour began criticizing the carpenter and said that he had to be punished and put to death . The King then asked the old minister , who had been keeping silence so far , as to what his opinions were . The old minister replied politely that
"Everything happens for your own good". The King got very angry on hearing this . He felt like the minister was humiliating and defying him . In his outburst of anger , he sentenced both the old minister and the carpenter to be put in prison . As the days passed by , the old mimister was forgotten .
Then came the day for the royal hunt . The King with his troop left for hunting and in the midst of it, the King had sped up chasing a deer and got lost somehow in the jungle . As he was very tired , he decided to take some rest and accidentally slept off . He was startled awake by the sound of a deep roar and saw the silhouette of a lion making it's way towards him . He was so frightened that he froze in that sleeping position and tightly closed his eyes . The lion approached and circled him and the to his great surprise , left him and walked into the jungle . Very soon his soldiers managed to find him .
On his return to the palace , he summoned his ministers and sought for an explanation of the situation that he had just encountered . After debating on it , one of the ministers said that a lion wouldn't prey on an injured person . The King then looked up at his wound which was sore and had opened up again after riding his horse. Suddenly he remembered the old minister. The King then personally went to the prison , and explained all that has happened during hunting . The old minister smiled and told him the same sentence again
"Everything happens for your own good" .
The king then asked the minister what good had been brought to him as he was sent to the prison. The minister replied that if he wasn't thrown in the prison , he would have followed the King when they went hunting and being faithfull as he was , definitely would have stuck close to the King even when he got lost and since he didn't have any injuries , the lion would have killed him then and there. The King was left speechless. He immediately released the old minister and pardoned the carpenter . The King then ordered his guards to engrave this quote in front of his palace , so everyone can see it and embrace it .

So when encountered tearing the worse situation , we may have actually escaped from the worst one .
It's a bit difficult to accept it , but if you try to reason with it , you may be surprised at its outcome .