

what lies behind
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing.

I could feel a deep since of dread crawling up my throat, I swallow hard to push it back down. Hearing this he stops and looks over his shoulder with a slight smile and a hum, he gestures with a slight nod as if to say come on not much further. The man then turns back around and resumes walking, with slight hesitation I continue to follow him. A year ago I wouldn't have ever fathomed me in this kind of a situation, due to the fact that I my whole life have been afraid of well... everything, to my credit however; my cowardis may well have been the only thing that has kept me alive. Nothing is the same as it was a year ago, after June 23,2001s attack and the greatest country in world became the largest man made disaster in history, the loss of life if I had to guess since no official numbers existed was at least twice that of Hiroshima. Those who perished that day however were the lucky ones, because what followed for the survivors has fractured my since of reality. I'm convinced I have lost my fear of everything because I feel nothing. Suddenly I walked into the back of the man knocking me to the floor ripping me from my thoughts. Quickly he turned with a look of surprise and helped me to my feet. Looking past him I saw we were in front of a huge steel door, he put a code in the doors keypad and scanned his thumb middle and pinky finger simultaneously, and the doors locks began to move as the door opened what waited on the other side left my mouth hanging open, with a light chuckle the man waved me inside as he stepped through the doorway stepping through the door closed and the sound of the locks moving into place sounded behind me. The scene unfolding in front of me any other time I would have thought I was suffering a mental break, a whole section in the city sat untouched by any trace of what happened. No decaying buildings and people REAL people! "What is this place? and how, how is this possible? " I stammered so caught up in the moment I didn't even realize I had no idea who this man was. Sencing this, he turned, smiled slightly his firey blue eyes bore into me and said " I found this place while running from them, so I started bringing survivors here. When the disaster struck it must have created a rift somehow because the clocks still worked when I found this place and the calenders were all set to two months before the disaster now it's just a few days away. Wait wait so what is going. to happen when that day comes? I frantically asked "what if the rift deteriorates or what if the disaster happens in this rift how will we get out?" "I don't know what's going to happen, I hope the rift just resets itself." he said trying to coat the fear in his voice. "You hope?!? that's it's, what about all these people what about the kids..." I screamed "Shhhh!" he hissed and then before I could respond, BANG BANG BANG! "What the..." I stuttered. Eyes wide he looked at me and whispered " They heard you...."
© LullabiiSkye