

AZMIR---A character of mysterious 💚
There was a mysterious man.
He was very fond of stealing books from the library. This person lived in different character in different city. One day, I saw the news and knew about that mysterious man.No one knew the reason of stealing books from the library. After stealing many books, He left a letter where he wrote "I will give back all of books When I will find the truth".
My Uncle, Shams who read in college...had a part time job in library as a supervisor. After seeing the news about that mysterious man, I asked him about that man. He smiled and replied "He is nothing but a mad". I left my uncle room. He didn't say me anything and avoided that matter. I thought he might have no knowledge about mysterious man.
But I didn't know Why I was interested in him.

After 2Weeks
I forgot about that mysterious man.But I remembered him when uncle told my parents that the mysterious man might be in our city and his next targeted on our city. I smiled and said"why all of you are afraid of that man, He is not a killer. He just steals the book to find truth".
My Uncle angrily replied "Shut up, boy! this psycho not steal the normal book , He steals many important books which are very expensive and mysterious.And If anything happen,I will lose my job."
With curious I asked " uncle, If he needs just books for reading, he can buy or borrow the books. But stealing is bad. I don't understand that man."
Uncle shams replied" I told you
he might be a mad.And Don't need to worry about that my girl, you concern about your study books"

On Next day, A Mysterious man found in our city and surprisingly police caught him.
My uncle felt very happy that he didn't do extra duty at night and he felt safe from his job.

Whole city is in peace. But On that day_night we knew that the man which was caught by police, was a secret crime investigator who also wanted to catch the mysterious man.
That's why, He came to our city.
That's mean mysterious man was still not found.

After 1WeeK, I waited for my uncle who picked up me from school to my house. But unfortunately he didn't come.
That's why, I had to go home alone.

I called a auto but I Was very afraid because I was alone.But the auto driver sweetly talked to me and left my house safe.

On the way, I asked the auto driver about his name, family.
He told me that his name was azmir.His family was very poor.
They all were uneducated. He earned money for his family to educate them. listening his words, I found him something weird.

When I went home, I told everything to my parents.when my uncle came home, My parents rebuked him and told my all story.

My uncle felt very sorry because he was very busy with his work and study on the other hand he had to do extra time duty on library house.

But I doubted the auto driver and I told clearly about the man story to my uncle. Hearing the story, My uncle was surprised and disturbed. When I told my uncle auto driver's name "Azmir" he looked at me angrily. But after some times, He decided to call the police and told about it everything.

police came to our house and talked with me about azmir.
I was very uncomfortable and afraid. But police asked politely "child, tell us about the man looks"
I told them everything. And Police uncle made a sketch that man. I felt very bad because he helped me but it was necessary for our city.
When police saw the sketch, They surprised.......

To be continued