

Only This Time, It’s Clear
I think back to that day sometimes.
The day I first met you.
You were smiling, your black hair flowing in the cold wind.
But I felt warm around you.
I offered to deliver materials to a stranger in a different city nearby.
It wasn’t even my responsibility - but something told me I needed to.
I didn’t know you
I couldn’t have known you before that day
I didn’t know you but
Out of random
Out of chance
Out of sheer luck
Out of coincidence
Out of all the people in the universe who ever stepped foot in this life. In the past present and future.
Out of all the people in history,
Out of all the places,
Out of all the chances -
That releuctant delivery I almost didn’t make - brought me to you.
I had to deliver materials but the universe delivered you to me instead.
It was only a few steps from my car to you. But when i replay it back, it seemed like forever. Almost like we were destined to find each other again. There was no reason for us to meet before that day.
But we did, and I thank the stars everyday for this chance.
Sometimes I think, in a past life I held to you so deeply that there was no way I wasn’t going to find you in my next life, in this one.
It was cold but your smile made me warm
It was windy but your hair was swimming so beautifully.
I was anxious and nervous but your beautiful pearly eyes behind those sunglasses made me feel so calm.
I was lost in the moment, but your soft voice held my hand and brought me back
I didn’t say much to you but I needed to know your name. I didn’t want to leave. I should have stayed. But in my mind I thought - if it was ever meant to be it would be.
I never saw you again,
until I did.
I couldn’t believe it. Did the universe answer my prayers? For the first time in my life has my pray been answered?
Since that first day, ever since then, I knew, I knew the way I felt about you would only grow. I knew I was falling in love with you.
It’s been 3 years since that day. And it could not be more clear.
In my past life I loved you so profoundly so deeply that I held on to you because you left.
I know you left, because in this life I kept looking for you and in this life, in this one - I have nothing to hold on to. You ran so far away in our past life but I still found you. Only this time, it’s clear - I’m nothing to you.
Only this time, it’s clear - I finally have to let you go.