

Watch Out The Storm Or Is It
The sand is around but where is my
love my heart
And I look out towards the
water and he is not there so that means some one got on this island
but now I think am I safe out here
all in the open.
while my love is missing
So she walks for miles and nothing
got exercise but no lover to be found
But she is still walking not thinking of hurting anyone but some have put
her on the defensive so she walks
with a face of anger but never using
that anger on anyone doing no harm.
Trying to buy water and once I do. my cell does the communications to family and head back home.
But on the way home is where it begins.
A mystery in the air has me masked for
So I try to cross the street and once
I do water on the rode comes from no
where. Then I try to get out it way but
it has me swimming to safety.
So I can make it to dry land so no
I drift for miles on miles but I finally get
to land no lover out here . Then I see a
ship like. no other crossing my path and
rushing. the water. at me as I swim the
beaches looking for my land and love
now my water is lost and I got to.
Much so I stand and say you there I was in a storm help I need dry clothes.
So then I see a Captain and he say we're
is this and. You are most welcome on this an. island of. better times. So I laugh
thank you but you know we are in this
storm and we have to get our sales out
when the water tans high. For you see
once you bought that water it set all things off course. Now you are in my
world and I am in yours. Thank you for
joining on this boat to dry land ok maybe things are picking up.
And finally I will be able to. see if
i will find. what I have been looking for
no I see your dreams but this is something no one finds it have to do with time and respect and the two must
never be out of line. Or the music in your head will stop. And the heart will
be broken. by hard words and unhappy
thoughts which have us all on. thee edge.
But no we must not let this happen to
you, your journey began.
Once you. walked in these waters of pain
And survived this rain on your heart
so you don't never me or this boat to
show you love . It's inside you and
you have to continue to. Look. for it
So she hits dry land and sees . The boat
owners son. who just happens to be on
dry land so she gets off the boat and
greets him. A spark hits them both
And it's. candles for ever for the two of them. with no more water overflowing
there pain. The lands where dry so
safe is how they remained.
Until the. waters came back once again
an the. two became lost in there pain
Sitting at night thinking of. why the rain
came back . And why the pain with that to.So at the club dancing but wait the club.
Should not be open and rain should not
be flooding the land to create another
problem .
Which we both get together to go back. an back to love. With dry land and no
Wouldn't we. all want that yes
But no we never get what we. deserve
unless we work hard.
To keep ourselves alive in all the pain
of this our lives.
With out huge waters. sailing us around
in large oceans of pain.
That we take the time to figure and focus
on love eating an drinking.
We get back to ourselves and start looking for unattached. loves in this
unclaimed drink of oxygen with chocolates on your table and no water
in sight only juice. that keeps coming
if you ask for a bottomless cup. Oh
is this true you ask well take a look
at your lives loves and think on it.
It may have also happened to you to.
Meanwhile the boat is at the sure
And I got to get to it again to. reach
what is needed to gain this with no pain
is a fantastic fantasy. Or what. was wanted for you all along.

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