

In the dark night...
It was a dark night.Sara was on her way home from a party.She was drunk and lost her way.She waved to cars nearby but it seemed as she was invisible because they ignored her.Suddenly she saw a women coming nearer.She asked if she wanted to stay with her for the night.Sara reluctantly agreed because she couldn't find any other help.There was something mysterious and shady about that women.The women's house was warm and cozy.She asked Sara if she was hungry and Sara said yes.The women was in the kitchen while sara was observing her very carefully.She saw the women take out a butcher knife and cut something like stabbing, as she did so all the red drops went over the place and sara could see the red reflection.She ran out of the house screaming for help when she saw the shadow of the women coming closer, she was licking her hands.Sara thought she was a vampire and was tasting blood but as she turned, she saw the women with a piece of watermelon in her hand and her hands were sticky because of the juice.Sara felt a sigh of relief and went inside.They both laughed and enjoyed the meal.

The End!!

Plz do comment, I know this story is not as neatly good but plz do share ur views so I can improve...