

Unknown love
Tutu my precious Tutu where are you I was calling my pet Tutu he ran away from me how cruel my pet is gone😭as I cried a big red owl!!? here we go again ,ehhm ehhm I I'm the big red owl better scared at me I just answer him okay but I just walk away he flapped his wings towards us hey!! I just want that feca hu I answer what what feca what is that um the one you are holding I answered o so this what you call them okay bye he said to me wait where are you going ?can I be your friend "in my mind"hmm🙍he seem like a nice owl.okay I will be your friend just tell me how to get to Cavisky,hu he was confused but he ask me why do want to go there ,I was angry(talk about short tempered😋)I don't need to explain every thing okay!!!!now how will I get to Cavisky he told me ,you need to cross the goblin's cave then the blah blah blah, (14minutes later)that's how you get to Cavisky, hmm i said to him then okay its time to go then ,wait I said to him what do you want ,do you want a ride/fly , I gadly said yes hmm well I had a new friend again I jump to his back then we flied hmm I will go back home but not on my mother's home home you know what I mean a!!who cares bye TBC.its been a long time since I have wrote stories
© ECoPy15