

The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic ,Emmanuel the driver was in his earphones listening to music.music.my boyfriend chris and I were at the back sit having some funny moment. The car moved in an incredible speed .I felt a bit worried as it had rained heavily during the last three nights but then I had to focus more on what Chris was saying. He was very close to my eyes enjoying the sweet moment with me. He wanted to confirm whether I enjoyed the resplendent day that we had spent together . As soon as we had reached near the residential buildings where the cars were mostly packed,suddenly three men came out of a car ,holding guns with them. My mind was in sixes an sevens.sevens.i wondered why I had sacrificed this very day to chris.These men were policemen and they claimed that chris was under arrest for stealing money from his currently work place..Chris did not mutter any word ,I looked him as tears rolled down my cheeks,,,,"I can,t believe all this so Chris has been using his company,s money to satisfy all his desires".They removed a card and offered a card to me which I could not see clearly as it was only flashed. The card showed that chris had a warrant arrest,,,I only looked at them with my mouth shut worried that they would shoot me if I decided to ask some stupid questions .Chris was a very quisitive man I knew he would ask a lot of questions,,,,He looked at me wanting to know the reasons for his arrest before he could submit himself to the policemen .I just gazed on his dark eyes with no words.words.The policemen pointed the gun on his chest and pushed him in their vehicle.
I tried to convince the policemen but then they claimed that everything that will be spoken would be used as an evidence..As I tried to pull Chris one of them held my neck and pushed me back,,,,,The vehicle then left in an supersonic speed,,,Emmanuel held my hand and off we drove to our chris house,,,I spent my whole nights with my eyes opened.opened. I only encouraged my soul at the moment that everything with be applauded. My night was such a miserable one . A night full of memories of the day well spent.
Chriii! Chriiii!Chriiiii my phone rang. I picked it only to realise that it was a private number. I hope am not dreaming at the moment who might be this?? I picked the call and summoned to give out 1 million shilling for the release of Chris. I didn't bent low I informed Emmanuel about all this . I could not keep all this with me I decided to call his parents,,,,,