

The Day Never Came
It was the noon time when she was was waiting for her son to come home for lunch.But her son sent a message
,"I'll be late today , don't wait for me you have your meal ."
this was the third time in this week that he cancelled his lunch with his mother .

Her mother , oh! what a pity , she spent her entire life after her husband's death raising her son. Her name was Abhilasha , she used to live in the house next to my uncle's house . I often saw her sitting on her old rocking chair waiting for her son to come home.
She worked all her life only to raise her son and her son , he was a nice man young, tall, and successful.. he never illtreated his mother , he used to take good care of her .. but the only problem was that he never had time for his" maa" that is what he used to call her. That day it was her sixtieth birthday but her son is not home yet ... still waiting for his arrival .. this time it is really late by the evening but he was not there to wish his mother . I still remember I was sixteen that time , it was the mid time in the evening when I was sitting in my hall on my couch doing nothing ,just looking at the old lady and observing her eyes which was just waiting for Ram to arrive . I still remember she told him in the morning when he was leaving that she wanted to tell him something but he was in a hurry so he left without listening to what she was saying... She was waiting for him and the time just passed by, suddenly it seemed that her hands just become lifeless and the string of rosary beads she was holding just fell off her hand I did not get it at time. And then he came in the midnight . I woke up because of his car's noise .
He came and without even looking to her lifeless hands entered the door said sorry to her for being late but she didn't open her eyes and said nothing .. he came again to her mother sat beside her and said happy birthday but she still said nothing . And this was time when he realized ,that the day when he wanted to spend some time with her, that day would never come again...

atlast he said sorry to her weeping and lamenting beside her in guilt and next day she was a nothing but just a lifeless corpse ready to turn into ashes.
.................. ..................................
But his son would never know that what she wanted to tell him because that day never would never come again...

© Asha