

My friend was saying you can say from my side that she love you....but proposing is difficult...is it right time to propose.... everything seems so confused... but I said dont worry and move on then on that day my friend became bold and she was about to propose him.. but when she looked at the person she became blank.. so that person was asking what happen.. nothing she said and moved on...
As I said her to propose once again but she never did...but most panic was me that he should accept it ...always eager and ask he said yes...but everytime she come with me like she haven't proposed him.. then I said that I will go and say to him.. she stopped me like no don't say as she took the promise... Then I too don't have any option left.. But I realized that proposal is really a difficult.. Then the day where that boy came to my friend and asked that Vo me here for sometime and she is saying I have some work.. then I said go.. with afraid and panic she went.. then he asked everytime you meet me to say something.. but you haven't said.. what is that.. nothing.. then he asked to tie her eyes with ribbon she said why?.. he told you have trust on me then tie... she tied.. then he brought with a ring and bow down and ask her to open the ribbon. As I said to his friend regarding this that my friend love him because of don't want my friend to love someone who don't love her back so for confirmation I need to know.. otherwise I will make my friend to forgot him.. But I got that he also love her but but tensed regarding to express after confirmation he proposed.. and she asl everything like you had a feeling from me them you should have said previously whenever I come you never used to say.. he told even I was tensed that's why couldn't speak up.. but your friend who talk to my friend and confirmed me.. so I am dare to propose... so she came to me and asked that I took promise from you to not say to him that I love him.. I said I have followed you promise not said to him
. .. but I said to his friend and confirmed.