

I was given unsupervised access to the internet at a very young age. With that came pros but, more often than not, cons. I was able to connect with people from all over the globe and from my own opinions of all kinds of things. But on the other hand, I was shown things that shouldn't be seen by seven year olds. I hadn't even hit puberty yet and I was being exposed to grown mens genitals while trying to make friends. On the rare occasion that I'd connect with someone and try to peruse a friendship, it often ended abruptly due to their obsession with pictures of me or what i was doing. Exploitation was not an exception. The people I didnt know were grown men at the time would convince me to send them pictures of my breasts, or lack there of since I was only young, and other parts of my body that were taught to be private. And if I didnt cooperate, I was then threatened. This man would find my relatives and tell me that if I didnt send him exactly what I wanted that he would send things to my grandmother's husband. If that isnt enough to scar a young girl then I dont know what is. This age of internet isnt going anywhere but I beg of you all, please make sure you monitor what you and your loved ones do online.

On social media, the unexpected is usually formed. Write a story about your unusual experiences on the internet.