

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? she heard a shrill and screeching sound and run back to her room and hid under her blanket.
the loud noises continued and they got louder and louder, as she got more scared, she noticed that she was the only one hearing these sounds.
Still in her blanket which covered her face, she started to drift off and almost fell asleep. But than, she suddenly hard the front door close.She Dared not to go out of her room ,she got up, closed the door while panicking after which she run back to bed.
Then there was a piercing , ear splitting sound and an almost deafening sound. her breath became heavy and faster , she started to sweat.
Then Everything fell into complete silence ,she could hear the wind out side and the clock ticking, She could hear her heart beating and her heavy breathing
The silence peeked her curiosity and she decided to come out from underneath her blanket.As she did,her eyes widened as she saw a man in a black clock standing besides her . The poor girl was so terrified that she could not even scream. She slowly lifted her head, so as to see who was standing there, As she turned her head ,the Man grabed her by the face and dragged her out of bed.
She couldn't scream because her mouth was covered by the man's huge hand. No matter how much she struggled,she couldn't break free from the man's grip... She was dragged outside , into the mist that covered the streets ,And the poor girl was never to be seen again.