

Complex of Rings
The headlines of the morning newspapers are become very aggressive day by day . They are all blaming to the government and the police . From the tea stall to the coffee shop, everywhere people are all talking about the failures of police and some people start questioning about the selection of the police officer. The authorities decided that they would start the investigation from the beginning and it investigate by the new selected officer. It leads by the new cop Siddharth Roy , who solved 15 cases within 2 year.

The victim name was Ashutosh Bose . He was a renowned lawyer . 🔪, laptop, pouch of shampoo , 🔨, screwdriver newspaper ✏️ are found from the scene . The new police team start the investigation from the beginning. They asked the suspects same question and they are also tired of repeating the same statement. Now Siddharth start the investigation from the level 1 .He check the time of the death of victim . It's 8:30 pm . But he again give it to the autopsy . Now the autopsy report tell that it's not 8:30pm it's 6:30pm ie 18:30. Mistake 1 Siddharth found it.
In this case there are five suspects.
He started taking alibi one by one.
Some of them said that they were at that place during the murder so they don't know about that but some of them don't have alibi. The police team verify there statement by collecting the regarding information.
Some of them given wrong statement later they surrender that they were lied
and they confess the truth which they
know. One thing found from the crime scene which was not in the last investigation report that is fur of an animal. From the forensic team it is known that it is fur of an rabbit. Now the new team start to collecting the information ,that which suspects have rabbit. After the investigation it is known that among 5 of them 3 of them have rabbit . Among last two one of them rabbit who sold it and other don't have any pet. The 4th suspects told that his rabbit is getting sick day by day so he take that decision.
Among 5suspects 1 of them is female. The new police team collecting the information from the neighbours if they get any clue or information by chance but they are not getting succes at that ,except one.
Before the murder one of them saw a Volkswagen car park in front of the victim house from the morning . Now which suspects have Volkswagen car it have to seen ,4 of them have that . The case is turning into a complex of rings, even new police team are getting frustrated. It almost two weeks over the new police team take charge of this case and the news channel and news paper guys blaming them and ask qualifications of police. From the crime scene the objects are found there is no fingerprint and even there is no fingerprint of victim also. The coroner claims that murderer is right handed and hit with a heavy rod on the left side of the brain. Among the 5 suspects all are right handed .Now police team check the suspect profiles. One of them was imprisoned for 5years named Vikas Chatterjee.
Police first go to him and listen the reason for his imprisonment. He stole the pictures from the art gallery that's and many important documents and sharing the gallery secrets, Vikas replied. But his brother later secretly tell that his brother was lying ,he didn't not steal or share anything. It's Sritama another suspects who steal and victim Ashutosh who helped her and sharing the secrets of art gallery. Sritama was married to Ranjit Basu ,but she had an affair with Ashutosh. Sritama generally came from poor class society but she was very cunning and clever she used to attract Ranjit by showing her cleavage and many things. Before the marriage of Sritama and Ranjit ,Sritama became pregnant but Ranjit didn't have any doubt because they both used to warm bedclothes several times. But after the first baby of them Ranjit knew from the doctor that it was not his baby ,someone else. Ranjit didn't not told anything to Sritama but he used to check messages secretly. From there Ranjit knew that Sritama and Ashutosh had an affair even after there marriage and first baby. Siddharth asked to Vikas's brother Avinash how did he know that and his brother replied, that he and Ranjit are friends so Ranjit shared his thoughts to him. Now the Siddharth going to meet Sritama . Sritama from the door replied that she's alone now so she cannot allow anyone in absense of her husband. Siddharth then replied it's urgent she have to meet or they would take her to the police station for interrogation. Sritama open the door and allow them but Siddharth entered the room and stop his team in front of the door. Siddharth repeat the story of her infront of her. After listening the statement of Siddharth she give a little smile and replied ,that's why you came alone and Sritama add that you can also taste me and she remove her saree in front of her breasts. Siddharth stop her to doing this kind of activity and said her due to her respect he came alone. Sritama
said that not only just Ranjit and Ashutosh, even Vikas , Rajkumar and Suprakash also taste her. She said, my family have a land in there village but there was a problem between my father and my uncle about the land about maximum ownership. My uncle have correct doosier from my grandfather but my father doesn't have that . My father file a case against her uncle about the land .On that time Ashutosh came to the village to spent vacation .He take my father case. My uncle also challenge my father but my father won the case all because of Ashutosh Bose. My father gave him the amount which he would
needed but he blackmailing my father because Ashutosh have the correct evidence to put my father into the jail.
My father gave him 50percent of the money after selling the land. After that , my father died into the road accident and my uncle looted there money and houses .I left my village with my mom and came to this city. I take a job of waiter and try to start a new life. One day I came from the job I saw my mom's is dead.I cried alot .Then I changed my job's place I go to the art gallery and became the assistant of Ranjit. Again meeting with Ashutosh was just an accident.One day he came to the shop to buy pictures there he saw me and start blackmailing me , I told him that I don't have any 💰.All were looted by her uncles.I told him the amount of money you needed my dad gave you.But he totally denied and said that if I don't gave the money he would send me to the jail for false evidence. I don't want to the jail. After listening of my story he gave me the condition and I have to accept that. He was a batchelor 40aged man and called me whenever he needed, maximum he called me in the night and he fucked me all night.He used to try all the positions of sex. He was extremely rough. He grab my waist and threw me in the bed . Sometimes he used to bite me. He bite my nipples and my shoulder and taste my vagina . He used to smooches me and make blood out from my lips. Sometimes he forced me to change different sex positions like cat cow poses etc .Sritama said marry to Ranjit was his plan. Before that Ashutosh go to the art gallery and asked for the pictures but he don't want to buy that picture with the amount Ranjit charged . So he decided to steal his art gallery pictures and sell it to the market or someone else he know. The store was closed about 8pm. That night came almost 11o clock he take me to Ranjit's shop and make me unlocked the backway gate thereafter he did his job . The next day Vikas called Ashutosh and me in his house and said that he know the last night incident and Vikas claimed 💰 from Ashutosh. Ashutosh denied and laugh at him ruthlessly. Next day police came to the Vikas's house and arrest him . Ashutosh gave a false testimony in the court and Vikas imprisoned for 5years. Everyone knew in our town ,Vikas and Ranjit have family problems since there childhood days.
Siddharth came from her 🏠 and meet with his team . Siddharth take a break for that day. Siddharth called all the suspect and Vikas's brother in the Ashutosh's 🏠 at 7pm.
The evening came everyone is present.
Siddharth is present with his team.
All of them are totally feeling uncomfortable. Siddharth said I know who is the murderer it's my request please come and surrender. But none of them come. Siddharth then said Ranjit , do you know your wife had an affair with Ashutosh Bose .Ranjit denied and warn him to behave properly. Siddharth said to Ranjit I know everything. I repeat everything. Your wife told me .
Then Ranjit said yes I know that.
Ashutosh used my wife and blackmailed for the fake evidence for the land. Siddharth said to Vikas may be you are imprisoned for no reason but now you have sent to jail for valid reason.
Siddharth called Vikas and Ranjit and ask themselves to confess who is the killer but both of them denied.
Now Siddharth show his evidence one by one. Mr Vikas and Ranjit you both have rabbit and Volkswagen but I find something extra . Blood samples of Ab which victim don't have and may be one of you have sratches in your body and I got a hair samples and I have the DNA report of it. So please both of you roll your sleeves I want to see your arms. After rolling the sleeves Siddharth found Vikas have that wound. Siddharth asked to Ranjit , do you confess or I will send this constable. Yesterday I take rest but my team went to the forensic and took the report of it , Siddharth complete his sentence.
Siddharth:"Vikas your blood sample is Ab and Ranjit DNA report said that it's your hair so now confess."
Both of them confess and Vikas said that he hit Ashutosh's head with a heavy rod and he drowned it into the river. Ranjit said both of them were going to kill Ashutosh but meeting in same time, it's just an accident.

The police arrest both of them .

The next day the headlines of the newspaper change they are now change there words and congratulate the whole police team .