

Chapter 6
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{<< What do you mean....
Alex took Blacklight?... We have to get it at all costs
Greene?? What does Greene have to do with this.
Simon kept talking to a man in black suit about BLACKLIGHT.
"Wonderful, They can withstand BLACKLIGHT. Then we have to capture them at all costs .Let the military do the dirty work for us. Get some of the... uhm... infected as test subjects. I believe we've just found a solution.", the man said smiling.
Simon frowned and said, "Okay Peter. I'll see what I can do. Just don't go over the line here.I'll come see you at GENTEK. Get Greene ready.", he said, shook Peter's hand and left the building>>}
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Alex slowly opened his eyes, "Greene?? This is even more complex than i thought. Seems everything is not as portrayed in the game. I gotta find my own way around here.", he mumbled.

"What the fuck happened?!!", the soilder escorting Simon shouted.
The helicopter ascended and started firing madly. Bursts of bullets and missiles flew towards Alex immediately.
He manifested a huge shield and placed it in front of him. It was destroyed under the impact of the missile.
He shifted in the air and used airdash, pushing himself forward to dodge the rest of the attacks.
"Crap!!", he shouted, running as fast as he could.
"Damn. Strike team was a real pain then. And now that am here. I can't take down one helicopter. Oh I have an idea!!", he said and dashed towards a building and went around it.
Just as he went around it, he switched disguise back to Simon's and bent his head.
The helicopter came within range and scanned the area and left after a short while.
"Phew!... that was really close", he said and walked away from the building.

"Ah!...you startled me", Dana screamed when she suddenly saw Alex appear behind her.
"Don't ever do that again," she said and got up from the chair.
"Sorry about that. Occupational hazard", he said scratching his head lightly.
She walked to the kitchen and prepared two cups of coffee, passing one over to him.
(I wonder how my symbiotic body will react to food. I've never seen him eat anything in the game though), he thought.
He took the cup, hesitated a bit before he downed the entire cup.
He felt warm after he drank it. Seeing that he didn't feel any adverse effects, he calmed down.
"Did you say you lost your memories?", Dana asked resting against the counter.
"Yeah. Although I seem to be getting more of it back now", he said looking at some pictures on the table.
"Karen?," he said as he picked up the picture of a blonde-haired girl wearing a black skirt and blue shirt. Her blue eyes were sparkling and reflecting radiance.
"You still remember her, huh?. Well she might be somehow linked to the incident. Owing to the fact that she shared all your secrets back when she loved you", Dana said and walked towards the computer.
"You were both study mates and... lovers. She worked with you at GENTEK for quite a while", she added.
"She might know something. But we still can't trust her since a lot of things have changed now.", he said as he struck his chin.
"That's also true. But it's worth a shot, right?"
"I guess so", he mumbled.
"Get some groceries for me when next you plan on going out. We're running low on food now.", she said, handing out a card to him.
He collected the card, opened the door and left the apartment.
He leaned on the door after he got out.
(What if Karen betrays me. I can't be too sure of facts and besides love doesn't exists when there's a reasonable bargain being offered. Well, we'll just have to wait and see)
He takes out a cigarette from the pocket of his pants and lights it up, slowly puffing away.

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