

Mr DD was Azmir? (part 3)
I was in pain and so I started to shout as high as I could possible.
Then surprisingly I found myself in my bed. My parents and uncle shams came to see me. They were very worried to see me like this.
At least, I understood that I was in dream. I was not killed.Even if I looked around to find azmir.But There were no one rather than my family.
I felt very scared and started to cry. My uncle shams told me "Don't worry..You may see a bad dream... You are brave girl of mine...
To listen my uncle words, I felt nice and smiled because I already told that I liked him very much. He told my parents to go their room and He would take care of me.
I was so happy to hear that. Last few days, shams avoided me a lot but today, When he paid attention on me, I forgot everything.
Whole night, shams was sitting beside on me. I tried to sleep but whenever I closed my eye, I saw the man who wanted to kill me. But When I opened my eye I saw my sham uncle and then I felt relief.
Next morning, I was ready to go school and My parents was busy and so Shams took me to the school. On the way, I asked my uncle shams"Do you like me,?
shams surprised and told "what? Are you mad?"
I told"No, I like you and I think I start to love you"
Shams replied"You are little girl. It is nothing but an attraction. Understand?
I quitely said"I am not little. I am 16and You are about 20,.It was not big deal. From my birth, You cared me so much and actually more than my parents.You help me all time and when you start to avoid me then I find that How much I love you..."
Shams said "oh!I was then busy.But, You should give attention on your study not me."
I became sad and asked"At least tell me, Do you love me? yes or no."
My uncle shams avoided and told,"Now go to your school.We are reached."
Then I went inside the school with my friends.
My mood was very bad. My friend noticed that and asked "why are you looking sad?"
I said "nothihg". suddenly all the students went to the notice board. I also went to the board and saw that for our board exam, teacher arranged for us a farewell party. So we all were excited. Then I forgot everything and started to plan with my friends about our farewell party.

After the school was over, My dad came to pick up me.But I thought that My uncle shams might be come.
When I reached the home, I saw my uncle shams packed up his dress and books because their college arranged a tour in sea beach which was very far from our city. My Mother asked to shams"Brother, take care and tell me when you come back from this tour?"
shams told "about 1 week"
I was very hurted. I said nothing and directly went to my room.
Shams looked at me and wanted to tell me that I should give attention on my board exam.
My uncle gone and Then, I felt that I shouldn't propose him. My uncle never went any tour as I knew that he hated to waste time.
But For my proposal, He felt uncomfortable to stay here.That was the worst day of my life.
After two days, our farewell event held for us. My beloved teacher Labib sir gave me a book and He prayed that I would do prosper in life.After the event was finished,we all student met a new person named DD Sir...He was the chairman of a youth knowledge foundation. He was very sweet talker. I Liked his personality.
At the end, I got a chance to meet him as I was one of topper student of our school.
I did handshake with him and He told"Be success in life."
But When He talked with me , I thought that I heard his voice before.
I gave a smile to him and He also did same.
After Going home, I thought about the person and his voice.
Suddenly I remembered that It was the same voice of the auto driver. Then, I surprised to think " Is He that person of named Azmir?"
At this moment, Again I remembered last night dream. I was so much scared that I started to shout.

To be continued 💚