

Death haunts everyone🔥
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do? Looking at that lady suffering for her breath. And as a doctor I wasn't sure if I can do anything? There must be a cure. But the question was what?what was the cure? Which is I m not so sure of. Looking at her condition my confidence level was going down just like the leaves in autumn. Her struggle was something i couldnt take my eyes of. Like her condition her pain was getting embroided in my heart with a sharp needle. Leaving marks so that i never forget it. My patient was suffering and hell i couldnt do a thing. Pity, Anger, Pain , Sadness ,these were the emotion flooding inside me. Building up in my cells, with every breath i take i look up at her. She stay quiet, still, not moving a muscle. And that's when i decided to leave the room. Her only daughter came running to my feets and requested me for help. But I was the more helpless one. With teary wet eyes she came, soaked her tears well and look at me, her eyes red from constant crying, tears again forming in her eyes, her vision become blurry, She looks pale looks like she hadn't have much food. Her only mom(cuz none else was in the family) was lying there, she begged me on her knees. Reassuring me that money was no problem and asking for help, But i couldn't, There wasnt any treatment but she was so sure i could do something.
I looked her in eye lift her face by her chin and said in cracky voice
"I am so sorry. She couldn't make it,She doesnt want to. Her soul has betrayed her."
© Ishu.writes❤️