

The field of friend ship
One Evening there was this lovely teenager named serenity she was 15 and she lived with her father and mother on a farm she had a friend named Elle her and Elle would always go to this field that had beautiful butterfly's and an amazing flowers they called it the friendship field. Every morning sereinty would go out and feed the horses chicken cows horses and sheep she would always invite her friend Elle to help her and to hang out but she would say sorry I am to busy so Serenity started doing it alone her father Walter and her mother Nancy waters the farm animals while Sereinty would walk there dog buddy and Serenity would walk buddy with her friend Elle and they would walk him to the friendship field and he would try to catch the butterfly's but never could catch any. One morning Nancy went to wake serenity up to feed the animals but she wasn't there so Nancy told Walter to call Elle and ask Elle where would Serenity be at but sadly Elle didn't answer so Walter tried to call Serenity but she didn't answer and then Nancy went to the friendship field and looked if they went there early this morning and there they where they had there tent and everything so Nancy went up there and unzipped the tent and they was passed out so Nancy went back to the house and told Walter and Walter told Nancy that he just got a call from the cops and said that they found Elle's body in a dumpster so Nancy and Walter and buddy all hopped in the truck and went down to the address's the cops gave them and there Elle was laying in the dumpster and we blew up Serenity's phone but finally she answered and she was telling her mom that she didn't mean to and that she was sorry and Nancy kept asking her why she was sorry and Walter was telling Nancy that she thinks that there daughter killed Elle and Nancy kept saying no she didn't but then serenity said I did that to her and Nancy wasso shocked she said why and serenity started telling Walter and Nancy why and they was shocked for the reason and that reason was that because Elle stapled Serenity's ear to Serenity's head so she didn't have nothing to do but hurt her and the cops put Serenity in jail but when she got out her life was as good as can be.