

Monologue #1 : The Universe

"Well, fuck you too universe!"
He screams out with his middle finger saluting the angry grey sky. A deafening gurgle of thunder rumbles as if in retort .

"Oh well I'm not scared. I've had my fair share of grey days and cold wet nights that a little thunder doesn't faze me anymore. You know,I am done with your shit and everyone else giving you credit for all I do and don't. My boon is my own as are my misfortunes .

"I just can't accept that my choices are your decisions or that my failures are your design.I am not a puppet you do with as you please . Not a pawn in your game of house."

He screams into the empty space in front of him. He looks up to the heavens with memories of the day's mess fresh in his head
"Fuck you too."
he whispers flipping the universe off one more time
© Ma-cal