

They snatched him from me

"It's twins!" Excalimed the doctor who helped her deliver.

The nurse gushed, placing the wailing infant on its mother's bosom.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Briefly, tears of pain mingled with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.

She and her husband had longed wished to have a boy after birthing four daughtwrs. Her soulmate who was on his way from work to the hospital, but first he stopped at the local flower shop to buy her some flowers. Unfortunately, the father of her kids plus the new borns has been shot and killed by a stray bullet. The cause of death is gang violence in the area. The authorities said that he just happened to be at the time and wrong place.

What would the in-laws tell her? Seeing that she just gave birth. What would she do now when they tell her?...

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