

Last Day

Tears were falling down suddenly student start shouting "how they can do this". But this was school authority we were not allowed to do something against them. I remember this was Saturday and class 12 'D' in last ten minutes before school get over for this day. Teacher informed one of our class girl that this was your last day of school after this nobody is allowed to come to school. And we were in shock because two days before we were told your last day will be Monday so all the planning was according to that only. Other class student were enjoying because they were knowing from morning that this is there last day but we were not informed. Before this news I was sitting with my best friend and were talking that how we became best friend. Then one girl enters the class and seems disturbed. I asked her what happen then she informed the whole class that this is our last day. I was not able to say something just tears falling down and all the memories of school life was rewinding in my mind. Then I heard school bell and the day was over, school life was over and a guilt stuck in mind that we couldn't celebrate last day of school life.