

As I peer beneath the cold surface beneath my feet I shiver in pain as I kneel down on the hard pavement. My younger sister Mary corners me as I scream angrily in her face like a lion. She is a sassy 8 year old. She acts like she rules the whole household eventhough she is nearly 4 years younger than me. As I slide through the icy streets of London I could see the gust of wind blocking my sight and could hear leaves tumbling on the icy streets. In a rush to get to the nearest shop I sprint as fast as I can.Just as I make it I peer at a rather disturbing label saying that the shop is closed. My anger destroyed me as I starved. Our small house was completely empty of food,we have not had new groceries for almost 1 month now. As I tiptoe on the slippery streets a large group of people attract me. Peaking through the fuss like an intruder I hear a massive argument with only 2 people but 10s of people got dragged in. Walking away like I didnt care I finally reached home. Just as I was about to reach the front door I bash my fragile head on the pavement it killed me.
As I got back on my feet I rang the alarm bell at least 3 times before my sister's deaf ears could hear it. She bashed the weak door open roughly.