

If I didn't have though that time
I was in the sitting in office with coffee when I got called from an unknown number. I received it and it was from hospital, at the same time I was being called for meeting, For 1 minutes my mind was between hell and heaven. Who was in the hospital ? it was my mother, I didn't ask how, why, when etc. nurse said ''come fast please'', ''I replied please wait for 5 minutes''
I informed them that i can't attend meeting, it took me 30 minutes to reach. when I reached she already left this world. I got a lesson from it that why did I wasted 5-6 min of my life in thinking what to do ? what is the use of time management when you can't save the one who taught you time management ?.

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all the characters are fictional if its related to someone's life it is a coincidence.

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with lots of love
(Music Me And Melody)