Becoming someone's hero
People may think im just a ordinary girl but there is nothing ordinary about me other then being a girl trying to survive every storm that hits. Im a 17 year old who has big responsibilities i know your like every 17 year old has that but mine is taking care of my dad that has stage 4 cancer in the brain, lungs, and other places in his body. Also, i take care of my 5 year old brother on weekends, the house, the groceries, and the dogs. Its difficult sometime having so much going on with my dad he is only 46 years old and a dad of three, things you notice when cancer is involved people try to make it about themselfs and get mad if you don't tell them about it even if they aren't famliy and try to act like you owe them something but no i don't owe anyone shit. I like how people try to tell me to cope and tell me how i should do thing or i should be a kid and not carry so much on my back...