

funny Ninja
Episode 2
The three ninjas decide to bring Walemond down alone so as to impress their master.
Blue Ninja: hey yellow what plan do you have?
Yellow Ninja: None, what about you black?
Black Ninja: .....
(Walemond appeared from no where)
Walemond: I have a plan
Blue Ninja: I am listening
Walemond: when we get to Walemond place, if we find him sleeping, black ninja will sneak to his back and tie him up as fast as possible while yellow ninja will set him on fire
Blue Ninja: and what will I do?
Walemond: you will look at your side and see the person talking to you right now.
(The three ninjas looked at their right and shouted Walemond! And they all ran away as fast as they could)
Walemond: silly ninjas.

The end.

© Walemond Notion