

Arthur dropped the baseball bat, fell on his knees with the tears streaming down his face, his heart filled with anguish, as he looked over the cliff down to the ocean. Arthur needed to be strong he needed to find himself once again losing Ally was like losing everything he lived for. Arthur realized that locking himself away wasn't going to stop his heart bleeding from the pain of missing Ally. He decided to let the light into his life again, when he ripped down the wood that covered the sunlight from entering the house. He pulled down the vines that covered the cement walls. Arthur took one day at a time to re-create the house that once reminded him of Ally. He decided to fix the broken glass windows and doors. The bright colors of yellow and white he painted the cement walls and soon enough his hard work paid off. He rebuilt the house out of the memories that he dwells on, to keep him going to see her smile again, to hear her heart beat, to feel her smooth skin and the warmth of her lips that was once his. Arthur decided to visit his concerned family. He cut his hair and shaved off his beard. He bought himself new clothes and shoes. They were very surprised to see Arthur out of the house. Arthur only had his grandparents and his sister katharina, who lives with them. Out on the porch katharina sat on the swing writing her journal when she saw Arthur's car pulled in the drive way. In disbelief she got up and rushed to her brother with tears of joy in her eyes. She was so happy to her brother after an entire year of suffocation due to his lost. Arthur had a pleasant smile as he hugged his sister. Katharina held Arthur's hand and pulled him to meet their grandparents. Arthur's grandmother molly was eager to see him. She baked Arthur's favorite chocolate chip cookies and gave them to him. Arthur felt the comforts of being home, the laughter and joy spread throughout the house made of wood. Arthur realized the people around him mattered the most and he had learnt that money could never be more valuable than the people who loved him. Arthur's grandfather took him on a stroll and asked him why did he stop doing magic. Arthur explained that magic was the reason he lost Ally, when his grandfather corrected his explanation by giving him a very harsh truth. Arthur's grandfather showed him that magic comes from within and the illusion they created was out of love and passion not for money but for the joy and happiness it brought to people together.

hope you enjoy stay tuned and keeping reading ......♥️