

The VendaLorinio
Chapter 1
The Business Magnet

7 years Passed The Whole Economy Changed . Innovation is at its Peak . Industrialists are competiting with one another. What's more, we have one organization which doesn't have contenders by any stretch of the imagination 'The Jason Industries' . Jason is currently 28 years of age ,separated , no children .His dad died before one year . He is all along again and Talking about VendaLorinio It's the Economic Center of the State. Jason has become a Business King.But his brain is as yet not quiet. Numerous inquiries are there with respect to VendaLorinio Mystery . The Mayor's Building has a mystery Underground Passageway however Jason has not yet opened the way . Since on the secret documents it's Clearly kept in touch with not open the underneath Passage. Also, VendaLorinio has some Supernatural Presense.One day Jason chose to open the Underpassage . At the point when he opened its a Store room stay with bunches of photographs on the divider and a canine's skeleton on the floor .While he was viewing the photographs and . Glass break clamor originated from the following room. At the point when he went to the room there's a photograph tumbled from the divider . He snapped the picture and went upstairs .it was an image of a marriage .when he took a gander at it he was got stunned and Scared . Since the person in the photograph looked precisely like him

To be Continued....

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