

A begining
Things appeared to be so sober. A feeling of congestion was being felt in the chest. Though wanting to shout and come out things appeared as if there are restraints everywhere. It looked as if one has been tied up in a chain. And it is becoming difficult to come out of the chain. It looked as if one is in a prison but one can’t get out of it. How to move out of this situation. This thought was mongering the mind on an instant basis. Can I come out of this situation? Will things ever change? Do I have a solution at hand? These were the thoughts that was bothering him. This was not the first time. This had happened in the past too. He was hopeful that things might just start changing for the better. Philosophising that everything in life is just temporary in nature started building a sense of hope. But how to address the immediate situation. He felt he can change the situation for the better if he sticks to certain practices. He does certain activities in a disciplined manner. This thought gave him a hope that things can be changed and normalised for the better.
For years he had a sense of victimisation. Someone says something. He gets upset. Initially he used to fightback and argue as to why it is being said and done to him. However, there was a realisation which dawned on him that these were intimidating tactics which were at play. Triggering such situations can make him to do things which were not considered normal. When such things happen things can be blown up and made into an issue. Ultimate control over the person can thus be established. There is a power game which was happening in which only one was exhibiting display of power. The other was not displaying power but was trying to protect himself from the power game. An assertion or expression was being responded with deviation, diversion, comments and actions.
It was not that this was the end of the world. The world is not just in here. The world was much bigger in which to go out and live. But what was the way. It is this point which bothered him constantly for many years. He was doing various things meditation, relaxation, affirmations. Every trick coming out being tried out. Definitely it was helping him a lot. At times he felt things have gone out of control. Things are not working out. But definitely he always carried a hope. That things will change.
A sense of being exploited at work and no recognition being given worried him. It appeared that things will remain just like this. But one factor which put him in a better position was the appreciation he received from his mentors. The founder of the organization he worked with always acknowledged and appreciated the qualities that he carried. His passion for writing, thoughtfulness was openly appreciated. There were also others such as a senior Professor from top management institute and a Professor from Canadian university. Those were the motivating factors. He had gained a reputation that he was a good writer. This had gained momentum around. And any negative thing against him could only be problematic for them. And that is what stopped them from doing the things they wanted.
The passion for writing is what kept him different from others. Converting thoughts into articles, reflections into written pieces is what was he was passionate about. Initially when he started doing it the first time he did and his work was published he felt great zeal about it. When it happened 3 or 4 times, it motivated him so much. It became so constant that he started doing it one after the other time. It became a habit and he became a voracious writer of articles. These were concerning that social issues which happened around. Anything which triggered him – an happening in society and state of politics which went against his value system was enough to make him write. He kept on writing again and again. He was not writing for others. But was just writing for himself. Yes a word of appreciation made him feel good. But even if it did not happen he continued to do it because he was feeling satisfied and was derived great pleasure out of that.
A time started coming where he felt that he had done enough of academic writing. Now it is time that one needs to start more creative forms of writing. It could be creative writing in the form of stories, novels, biography, poetry. Poetry infact he had started earlier. But story-writing and novel writing was a form that he wanted to explore. He had started feeling that he may be good in academic writing, article writing, reports and research based writing but not one in creative writing when it comes to story writing and novels. This is what he wanted to build up.
This constant search made him to look out for creative writing courses which are available online. This search led him to one course by one of the leading institutes in India. When he applied for the first time, he felt that he can do it at a later phase. Recently he applied it once again on being prompted to join the course. He applied it. Now he has just attended one lecture. Based on the advice of the lecturer on a series of recommended books, he downloaded the one related to ‘The tale of two cities’ by Charles Dickens on his kindle. He has started reading it.
Crises sometimes triggers new situations. To come out of such situations, one only tries to find out the best in themselves. Perhaps such a situation had come. Professional situations which triggered and worried him made him to write poetry on management of his inner thought processes. Now the time has come about where he starts writing about stories and a biography. Alas it is said that crises creates opportunities. Perhaps such opportunities are being created now.
© T Navin