

Selfish Love: Chapter 1
In a dark cold room..Ruru couldn't see anything, or feel anything except a tight grip around her neck, she struggles to remove it as it gets tighter.
Ruru hears a whisper from behind "Shhh Ruru...dont worry.." Then slowly the grip had loosen. "Is it...you Maruqez?.." ruru asked.
"Yes...i know you dont like this, i will give you a chance.." Maruqez turned on her flashlight and removed the scarf that was tied around Ruru's neck.
"You can go be free now..but remember someone is always watching you..dont do what i told you not to" Maruqez whispered close to Ruru's ear.
"Okay..." Ruru said as she tries to get away from Maruqez's face, "let me go now...it would be weird if i return to class late".
So Maruqez let her go, when Ruru turns around to say goodbye, Maruqez was folding the scarf, looking glum, and since Maruqez used to be Ruru's best friend, she felt bad. But then she remembers..the time where it all started, every satisfaction she gave to Maruqez, she will be rewarded by what she want, depending on Maruqez's Satisfaction.
Ruru sighs, "Fine Maruqez...go ahead.." Ruru closed and locked the door again, and sat down feeling miserable.
"If only i could take care of myself..." Ruru said to herself.."i can't take care of myself...or afford things on my own..my family..left me..i went homeless and Maruqez was the who kept me alive till now.." then suddenly Ruru tried not to shout as she accidentally pushes Maruqez away which surprises Maruqez.."How dare you??" Maruqez said with a very angry voice as she slaps Ruru and starts to choke her "Tell me you're sorry!!".
"N-no..maru...qez" Ruru grabbed Maruqez's hand and tried to stop her, she starts coughing and getting light headed, then someone unlocked the door...they were both frightened, but Maruqez was relieved when it was Shizu, her bestest friend. "Back at it again Maru?" Shizu said with a disappointed face, "but you better control yourself, i dont like what you're doing and how im saving you from getting into trouble" Shizu said while accidentally looking at Ruru's face, her face was in pain asking for help, Shizu just gave Ruru a sad look before she shuts the door then said to herself "if Ruru really wants to escape, she must know...i can help her out..she heard me and she saw me, she must talk to me..if i come at her first, Maruqez will ruin my life"...