

• A Dream of Eternal Sky •
I closed the curtains of my eyes but still constantly gazed at the black cover created my them. I was waiting for a new day to come and carry me away. I was stressed out and was trying hard( even when I should relax) to forget everything that happened to me through this long day.
After some time, I found myself losing stress, strength, worries and every burden which accompanied me since I woke up in the morning. But, somehow still, my imagination was not ready to leave me and it is a part of me, I know that much.
Suddenly, there was beautiful, or I should say stunning or maybe a night sky which I cannot explain in words, was infront of my eyes! I was still unable to understand how the simple black cover created by my eyelids turned out to be like a magnificent starry sky. Whatever it was, it was so glamorous that I was unable to shift my focus from it. Then, suddenly(again), I saw a very bright dash of light dashingly dashed from between the stars, it was something we humans call a shooting star. So, I decided to do human thing, that is to make a Wish Upon A Star. I wished to the star that I can see something more unbelievably more beautiful than this might sky. I knew I was being selfish but it was just a dream afterall, isn't it?
After that my gaze followed its path between the diamonds and then it went somewhere down. For the first time I saw that there was a jungle around me and I was sitting in a open space which was not covered by high crown of trees and was lit by light of my glamorous diamonds up there. But I was interested that where would have that shooting star landed. So I started walking in the woods. I don't have words for how the jungle looked at that time of the sky. It was like I will never ever want this night to end nor this I will want to leave this jungle. It was slightly lit by the light of those thousands stars in the sky and so I was able to make my way forward. I was able to hear my own footsteps on the jungle floor, light and slow. The little grasses were not green but stunning white and were shining with glamour, like they took some shine of the stars from them for their selves. It was the most mesmerising part there. This is what you can call miracle of nature or maybe miracle of my imagination somewhere. I started to realise that I was going deep and deep in forest when I futher, at some distance saw a very bright light which was somewhat soothing to my eyes. I was a bit scared that will this the end of my dream, is this light actually the sun rays from the real world which was so noisy and crowded, no it just can't. Why do sun have to show up so early? Okay, I stopped thinking and moved forward. Afterall, what I learnt in this dream is that the more you move forward, the more beautiful the path becomes. I just the stepped in the light.
It looks like all my threat and tension right now was totally useless, cause what I was able to see was too spectacular to exist in this real world. I stood in place stunned, but I didn't wanted to cause I just wanted to run and kiss every flower which was also here in this field. Actually, I am unable to pick the right words for the explanation, I think words which can explain this view were never made. Then also let me try...
Infront of me was a open ground and at a distance there were some short hills. The open ground was all lit by small flowers and the flowers were lightened by the light which those diamond like stars have and the grass of the jungle have. But this was something so mesmerising, cause these were flowers! There pollens looked like little glitter balls, dancing with the wind and it felt like they will pop out of the flower anytime and start dancing with me! Then I saw that there was a big tree on a small hill at a distance. I made my way through between the flowers and reached the hill. It was even smaller from I expected it to be, quite easy to climb, you know. And then I saw the tree. It was the most glamorous tree anyone have seen or will ever see. It's every leaf had the same light like those flowers down there, there were small white shining butterflies flying all around the tree and they were free like me. How can something be so beautiful!? And then I heard a beeping sound which I was not expecting from this dream. And then I realized that it was my alarm! It was morning now, I have to put my this beautiful, stunning, glamorous, glittery dream to an end.
I hope that I will visit this place which was just made by me and for new every night...

-Shounima Das

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