

Before my heart breaks
She fell on the ground on her knees , blocking her ears with her palms. Tears dancing down her cheeks. Growing tired of her parents fighting and insults. She didn't mean to come home late today , it was just a wild party.
"If you'd taught her how to behave like a girl , then she wouldn't be wandering around the whole neighborhood , being banged by every guy with a dick!" her father yelled on top of his voice , her mom sitting on the edge of her bed , shaking her head in defeat.
"Please calm the fuck down! the neighbours are probably listening!"
her once sweet voice turned dark.
Their daughter rolled up her sweater sleeve , revealing deep scars. Each telling a different story.
her fingers trembled as she aligned the blade with her wrist.
She bit her lip as she sliced through her pale skin. Her whole body felt numb. She had no tears left to cry , she was so tired of fighting with her parents and being rebellious.
She just wished her life was over already , she felt as if she was a living corspe.

Chapter 1

"Are you okay?" Finn asked putting his left arm around her. She only nodded and held on to her the end of of her black jacket sleeves. They'd only been friends for a few months but he loved her more than anything. She was too depressed to even notice it.
"Are you sure" he held up her chin , her bloodshot eyes vibrating , threatening to let out a waterfall in a few more minutes. She quickly looked at the floor nodding. She was still wondering how she'd survive living another hour.
She felt like everything was falling on top of her. Like she was alone and unwanted. Quickly wiping off the first tear off from her eyelids.
The first bell rang , she sprinted upstairs leaving Bryden there ... worried.
He was still trying to figure out what was wrong. She was awfully quiet in the car and , her perfect eyes were swollen like she'd been crying herself to sleep.
He finally snapped out of it when learners bumped into him in the halls. "You're late Mr Nevile!" Teacher Yei screeched with her tiny lips wiggling. "I'm sorry , See I was a little sick this morning, my dog ate my breakfast so , I had to ... eat his" The whole class laughed , but Yei didn't get the joke. Which earned Bryden an hour of detention.

She sat under a weeping willow holding on to her knees, crying.
Everyone around her was so happy and free. But her life felt like a skyscraper falling apart. She didn't understand why her mom would let Charlie talk to her like that. She closed her eyes remember last night.
"You little slut!" he slapped. She subconsciously got startled. "You're just another mouth to feed"
She took in deep breaths opening her eyes and couldn't help but cry.
Wiping off year after year. She unzipped her mini bag taking out her sharpener. She traced the blade with her thumb . Looking around for something to unwind the screw from the sharpener.
Frustrated she threw it further away from her , knocking her head on the tree hard. Piece by piece she fell apart. She looked at her wristwatch , Bryden should've been there by now. The weather was annoyingly sunny , she could feel her own sweat tickling her spine. The jacket was the only thing hiding her atrocious scars.
The last bell rang. More teenagers came out of the big red building with gold windows.
She packed up her books , zipping her backpack. Standing up straight and hooking her arms through the straps. Waiting for his cheerful face to show up any moment.
He was busy writing his 24 page essay on the History of the British Government. He was sweating looking out the window , sure , she was waiting for him to take her home. Using his wrist strength to quickly finish as fast as possible.
She looked at her watch again sighing. Everyone had already left and the gates were about to be closed. She shrugged walking towards the parking lot.
He quickly rushed out as fast as his long fit legs could carry him. Bolting through the glass doors , looking for he at her favourite spot , but she wasn't there. He looked around again going to the other side of the building but there was no sign of her.

Her phone constantly vibrated in her front pockets. She was too scared to slip out her phone in a dingy alley. Her mind kept telling her to run through it as fast as she can but her feet wouldn't let her. The hair at the back of her head stood up as she heard a chuckle. She slowly turned back. Two alley girls were walking towards her , they didn't have the " I wanna be your friend" look. She started running , she heard their heavy boots getting closer , she was already out of breath . She never passed Gym . Falling on her knees and scraping her jeans . Her hands torn by the rough dirty gravel , She lifted herself up using her, she saw clearly that they weren't girls , just lean middle aged men with long hair. The shorter one smiled with his yellow teeth bending over her , she tried crawling back but the other one held her legs. She wanted to scream but nothing camme out , it disappeared in her throat. "You thought you could get away from us ? What's this?" he took the phone from her pocket.
"Who's Finn... your little boyfriend?" they both laughed.
"Please let me go" she begged. They beat her up until she couldn't move. Her body got violated in the worst way possible. Her own screams filled her mind . She fell asleep in the dark alley .
Her body was cold as ice , she shivered until warm hands held her. She was too cold to open her lazy grey eyes but she was convinced she was going to safety.
Within no time she was in a warm room , nurses fussing over her.
"What's your name?" the doctor asked flashing light in her halfclosed eyes.
She couldn't help but cry. All the women around her looked so worried , she just wanted to be alone. "Is there anyone, you'd like me to call?" she shook her head , tears escaping her eyes. An officer walked in . "Is she going to be okay?" he asked taking off his officer cap. The doctor shrugged.
"I Think we should give her a little more time to recover"

He knocked on the door , still nervous . He'd been practicing how he was going to apologize to her ,his whole way to her house.
No one answered the door. He called her up but her phone went straight to voicemail.
I peeped on the front windows , there was no sign of anyone living here. Hesitantly he opened the door , stepping in carefully.
"Hello... is anybody home , Mrs Cooper , Hope , ..." The house was clean like they'd moved out . There was a letter just behind the door it was for Hope . It was sealed.
He didn't know if he had the right to open it but ... no one was around. Maybe it was From Hope.
But he knew her neat handwriting , it didn't match the one on the envelope. He ripped the roughly and slid out the note it read like this :
Dear Hope
Your mom and I are going for a few months. We're just sick of you making us fight. I'll send money every weekend for food supplies. Try not to disappoint us. We'll be back in a few


He shook his head in confusion. Still wondering how could a mother leave her child behind.
He tried calling her but , she wasn't answering.
His phone rung he quickly answered. "Hope?" he breathed.
"No , I'm calling from the Luna Hospital , we have a girl here , she said we should call you , please come down quickly to answer some questions" his punched his nose bridge. "What is this about?" he asked confused. "Sir we'd appreciate it if you can come down here as soon as possible" he nodded. "Okay" he shoved the note in his pocket and rushed out , closing the door.
She refused to eat something , she just sat there wordless. They'd taken her innocence like it was just a toy.
She just felt like dying already. The police officer kept trying to talk to her but she didn't respond.
He rushed in kicking the doors.
"Hope!" he was by her side , holding her hand . Unsure of what to do or say. He noticed the scars on her arms , it felt like someone had stabbed his heart with a ten inch blade.
"Hope?..." his voice trembled but she refused to break her fixed concentration of the blue wall in front of her. "Officer ... what happened?" he asked with tears in his eyes. "My partner James was patrolling and he found her in an alley , her clothes torn off and a couple of bruises all over her body too" Bryden felt speechless and angry at himself. "Can you give us a minute..." the official nodded walking out. He sat on the middle of the bed . "Who did this to you?". he begged caressing her covered forehead. She didn't answer him , she just kept looking at the wall. He shook her roughly begging her to say something. but it was no good. He stood up kicking the wall and ruffling his hair. Crying.
Silent tears rolled down her face .
He started punching the wall with all his might , his knuckles bleeding. The nurses rushed in , trying to calm him down. He cried out loudly in pain , he felt guilty for this. Like this was his fault.

Chapter 2

" I'm not. trying to be a hero... I'm just being your friend" he said holding her perfect face in his hands. She was crying , confused by her own emotions. She never thought her mom would leave her alone , for a guy. "Bryden please let me be ,I don't want to be a burden..." he shook his head wiping her tears with his thumbs.
"You're not a burden ,you're my best friend . Let me help you" he whispered in her ear. She closed we wet eyelashes. "Even you can't help me " his muscles tensed up. "I'm ruined , broken , useless, worthless just another piece of trash"
looking into her eyes he held her waist , pulling her closer.
"I hate how your mind makes you feel so worthless... I only see an extraordinary girl with more to offer the world"
He entwined their lips before she could say anything more.

(Do you want me continue? Comment down below)