

No Closure...
The result was out...I didn't made it. I wasn't sad, because I knew you were their, but guess what, probably I was thinking in to much positive way. I tried calling you like anything, texted you mailed you, by forgetting that I had to tend to my wounds from the accident, which I didn't tell you in detail. Ofcourse it was bad , I didn't wanted you to know it , because you would be become tense.
You did see my text, and finally when you took my call, you were as cold as the coldest days of the year. I couldn't tell you anything...well how could I have told you. You were sailing on a different boat, of joys, happiness, future prospects, and their I was, the foolish me thinking, that you are with me. You didn't even asked me that how I'm, just completed your side of the story, even faster than the trailer of any movie.
I never knew what hit me, was it the day, was it you, or was it just a plan of life... whatever it was... a closure..a proper closure..was all I needed. It would have somewhat told me where I went wrong.
You were probably too happy for your upcoming things, that you forgot that even though no deep promises were their, but something definitely was their.
I had still thought you would call, but no you never did....I realised finally out of hospital that we actually were never meant to be together...
but I still laugh on myself, I was expecting a closure... which I never got...
lot's of things happened... good and bad...where sometimes I thought about you...but slowly the thoughts faded.... and you know what I gave myself a closure.
You might think it was not necessary, but ofcourse it was, because I was struck, I had no where to go.. nothing to do...I couldn't think.. couldn't analyse.
I never expected much from you..but the closure from you I was entitled of.
You don't exist for me...
I don't exist for you...
But yes the closure which actually never came..does exist....
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