

Maintenance Man
I was a Maintenance Man from a Time of Yore and a Former Tenant replaced the Double-Cylinder Deadbolt-Lock of each Entrance and Exit Door of the Wee One Bedroom Rented Residential House of which was where She often had Sex with Her Twenty-Four Flea infested Dogs before I chopped off Her Fingers and then the Landlord and I buried Her alive. So therefore, I entered through an opened Window. I opened the Window and soon after, I tore through the Sheet of Plastic of which was attached to the Window Frame and soon after, I seen Maggot infested Dog Fecal on Her Dog Urine Soaked Mattress while I was swarmed by Flies, Fleas and Roaches.

Maggot infested Dog Fecal was soaking within Pools of Dog Urine of the Warped Floor of the Dog Urine Soaked Bedroom.

Thousands of Roaches feasted on the Maggot infested Dog Urine Soaked Stale Cereal within the Hundreds of unsealed Bags of Maggot infested Dog Urine Soaked Stale Cereal within the Hundreds of Dog Urine Soaked Cereal Boxes of Maggot infested Dog Urine Soaked Stale Cereal within the Dog Urine Soaked Bedroom and Thousands of Roaches feasted on the Maggot infested Dog Urine Soaked Rotting Food within the Hundreds of Dog Urine Soaked Food Containers from Fast-Food Restaurants within the Dog Urine Soaked Bedroom.

Maggot infested Dog Fecal was soaking within Pools of Dog Urine of the Warped Floor of each Dog Urine Soaked Room.

To be continued

© Jimmy Edward Dater
#Weirdos #Creeps