

They are Coming


"Thank you Andrew, I am standing in the main street of Silver Rock here to investigate a report of UFO crashing in the hills to the West of the town. There not to much more to report at this time, only that there will be a police statement at 8:00 am on our next cross. This Shamus O'Hara for Timbuktu Community Radio and Television Service, back to you in the studio Andrew."

Shamus hurried of the road handing microphone to the sound man as he pasted.

Rain began to fall has Shamus walked the wooden sidewalk heading towards the coffee shop next to the bank.

Waiting for Shamus inside the coffee shop was his program manager Ann Marie Johnstone, Ann had brought him his breakfast and coffee.

Shamus walked into the shop and walk to where Ann was standing, she gestered to Shamus to pick up the breakfast tray and followed her to a table that she picked.

"Ann, do you think you could find out what if I can get out to the crash site before the next cross please." Asked Shamus has he took a bit from his egg and bacon roll and a sip from his coffee.

"I will see what I can do for you." Replied Ann as she walked away from the table and out the door of the coffee shop.

Ann returned around about 10 minutes later to the coffee shop.

"Hi!" Ann said as she tapped him on the shoulder, and continued.

"I have some good news, and some bad which one would you like first."

"The good news thank you Ann, " replied Shamus.

"Well I can get you a ride to the crash site but it is only for two and you will be back in time for the next cross." Ann took a deep breath and continued once again.

"The bad news of sorts is that the transport I have a ranged only takes two people," add Ann as she handed Shamus a note.

Shamus took a minute or two to read the note, and to take in what he read.

"Ok, who is going?" Questioned Shamus.

Ann thought for a moment then replied.

"You and Teegan can go, only take what you need. Your transport leaves in twenty minutes."

Chapter 2 Coming Soon

(Hope you liked the first Chapter.)