

What a surprise!
Today's truth

1. what is a communicable language? :
the language that everyone should k
now is a communicable language. so
it may be say ," Speak in the way tha
t everyone should know but not in t
he way that no one should know,".
Although you may be a scholar, you
don't need to speak using your tale
nt of knowing difficult words.

2.Needy of mother tongue: we all nee
d to know other some common lan
gauge I.e.English. it's necessary in o
rder to pace with the rest of the wor
lid. isn't true?.
But, we often forget that the fir
st priority should be given to our m
other tongue. we almost don't try to
know the secret knowledge of our
mother tongue.So, to know other la
nguages we keep priority firstly to o
ur mother tongue.

3. association : we all need a good ass
ociation in our lives. but, the main q
uestion is that where should we get
learned a good association.
The most true, good association
is embedded in our nature. isn't true
? so, it's our duty to learn good asso
ciation from our nature.
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