

God didn’t create man, man created god?
Is there an omnipotent one?
Or does the human race have such a need for answers, and to be wanted, that it can create new worlds and ideas that shape our lives today or are these worlds so real we cant escape them?
Well what is the answer?  Answers are just excuses. 

 No one really knows true answers, scientists believe they have all the answers, they speak and we believe all they have to do is wrap up a problem with numbers and calculations they call it an answer but all it is, is a theory of what they want to believe they do not look for the simple answers but ones that don’t make sense.  These are just more excuses for answers that we cannot find and will never know.  

We have been brought up to believe all our lives that what we are told are the truths.  When you first start school, when they teach you simple mathematics 2+2=35?  Who says that they are correct numbers are just fake answers.  Also when you are taught about our history how do we know that is what happened, how do we know any of it happened how do we know we weren’t born today and what we remember is like some dream maybe we wont make to see tomorrow if you say to yourself tomorrow well I did see tomorrow how do you know that all this what you are reading and what you did really happened sure it happened in your little world but did it physically happen more excuses created by man.  

  One thing that has always plagued my mind and this part I find odd not many others, I have spoken to people about my thoughts on this matter and had my question called idiotic or stupid or that “of course you see the same” as an answer but I look deeper into this question and is much deeper.  What if I see things totally different to other people, what if people see differently to me?  Say my red is your blue and your blue is my red we would never be able to tell we cant describe anything we can’t say that our blue looks warm because it will always look cold as we associate the colour with water, even if what we really see is red because our blue fire will look warm.  Or a bit simpler if I see a woman having tentacles on her head but you see her only having long brown hair I believe and describe the tentacles about the same as you describe the hair you see as I was brought up to believe that what I am seeing is long brown hair and not the tentacles that I do see.  Because if I always saw this way I say what you say I see, and not what I really say.

Is the mind really that powerful?  Some say yes, some say no.  And yet again there is no...