Unseen Library - Chapter 1
Hi, my name is Sam Shadow. Some of you may remember me from that incident I had with a character called 'Midnight' some years back. She wanted to take over our realm of reality by possessing 31st October. That's right Halloween. Making it more than just a piece of harmless fun.
Anyway, I managed to stop her and save a girl called Lois. You can read the whole thing in my account entitled A Girl Called 5am, Bit of a long story where the title came from. It's all in the account, which my friend Alice White has published here on Wattpad.
So, why am I writing to you again. Well, I'm a librarian now! I know, me, who would have thought it.
You may be wondering how that happened? Well, let me give you the backstory.
Lois, Amber, she is my other bestie, and me did really well at our high school exams and managed to secure a place at a university. That one itself was a huge achievement. Lois chose to study psychology, Amber medicine, personally I think she thought it was going to be like Greys Anatomy. Myself, English literature.
We were all in the university library heads down making our various notes when I felt something tap against my foot! I looked down and saw that it was a grey sphere. It was a bit bigger than a baseball. But the strange thing...
Anyway, I managed to stop her and save a girl called Lois. You can read the whole thing in my account entitled A Girl Called 5am, Bit of a long story where the title came from. It's all in the account, which my friend Alice White has published here on Wattpad.
So, why am I writing to you again. Well, I'm a librarian now! I know, me, who would have thought it.
You may be wondering how that happened? Well, let me give you the backstory.
Lois, Amber, she is my other bestie, and me did really well at our high school exams and managed to secure a place at a university. That one itself was a huge achievement. Lois chose to study psychology, Amber medicine, personally I think she thought it was going to be like Greys Anatomy. Myself, English literature.
We were all in the university library heads down making our various notes when I felt something tap against my foot! I looked down and saw that it was a grey sphere. It was a bit bigger than a baseball. But the strange thing...