

Frozen Hell | 9.1
After congratulating me on my victory, Prometheus dragged me into a room.
"Kanomai. I need to talk to you before I go."
I was supposed to return to the human world.
"I'm listening."

"It's an old story. Everyone says Satan didn't bow down because of his pride. But that's wrong. The only people who know the true story are me and God."

"Yes me."
He paused.
"Because I'm the devil."
devil was the angel of fire.
And the best angel of God.
He was special. He was always close to God and was extremely curious and intelligent... and unlike others, rebellious.
God liked this feature. He also made man rebellious.

The day before man was created, God had not told anyone anything about his new creation. Even to Satan.

But Satan realized that something special was going to be created. So he waited.

"Let me participate in the creation of this creature! Please!"
He was staring at God with the eyes of a puppy and repeated "Please" a thousand times, until God answered in the affirmative.
"But since this is a secret, you will be exiled after that..."
"I accept."

Both understood the value of man.


God ordered everyone to prostrate.
It was a show. Because God wanted the angels not to know what he is doing.
He placed a gem inside man that no one saw except Satan.
Because the devil stood up and said according to the play that his pride does not allow such a thing.
He went forward and as he said the sentences, he put a fire inside the man.
These two became the two hidden elements of human existence.
The fire of life and the gem of humanity.


devil was not God.
It was not perfect.
So the fire of life began to burn many.
Anyone who was immersed in life too much, the fire would burn him and soon hell would be born.
Satan was banished and fell.
Years passed in solitude and isolation. His younger brother was a simple angel. Even he was not allowed to see the devil.

Until it happened.
The fire inside a person went out.
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