

Surviving Her Life's Misery
Once, there was a girl named Trixie who had spreading laughter and endless jokes. Her inner child remained intact over time, and she adored this about herself, never wanting it to change. But life has a way of rewriting our stories in unexpected ways.

Trixie's world shifted dramatically one day, and the change was so deep that it silenced her. Words no longer flowed freely from her mouth, and her laughter became a distant memory. Her days were now filled with tears, each drop a silent appeal to live fully once more. Trixie had not been living, but merely surviving—a shell of her former self, moving through life as a body without a spirit.

Her days became a series of duties she performed not out of choice, but out of burden. Everything she did was dictated by others, leaving no room for her desires. She forgot what the outside world looked like, retreating into a cocoon of despair. When she did smile, it was a hollow, forced gesture, devoid of the truthful joy she once knew.

Laughter had left her life since the day she decided to change her path, believing it would lead to a better future. Yet, despite her best efforts, life seemed to conspire against her. Every single second turned into an agony, with each moment more painful than the last.

All Trixie ever wanted was a life of independence, respect, faith, and love. But instead, life gave her pain and discomfort at every turn. The vibrant, lively girl she once was had been replaced by a silent, tearful shadow, craving for the light she once carried within her.

Trixie's story is one of resilience and hope, even in the face of overwhelming trouble. Though life had stripped away her laughter and replaced it with tears, deep within her, the spirit of that joyful girl still sparkled waiting for a chance to shine once more.

With every sunset, she dreams of being herself and with every sunshine, she realises that she was trapped and dreaming of that life as likely a nightmare... She still stood with little hope that despite every struggle and pain she suffered, she would find a path to bring herself back. With time, Step by step.
© Muskiee