

Social anti social
Social media is not a battlefield.
Social networks are a very wide field of opinions, thoughts, and expressed feelings, which we must respect.
It is respect without aggressiveness and in peace.
Many times ignoring the incompatibility of opinions, so as not to become intoxicated.
That someone does not agree with an opinion expressed by me or by another person, is not personally an important situation, because I understand that their interests and their point of view is very different, it is everyone's personal affair.
Very respectable.
They will not change my mind and I will not change to others of their opinion.
It is not my purpose.
I just write.
I just think.
An opinion is a thought and does not mean that it must be as I think it. Each head is a world.
There are agreements and there are disagreements, just like real life.
Gaining acceptance is the goal and purpose of politicians and merchants, to capture more benefits.
I am not politic.
I am not merchant.
I simply think and write what I think. Regards.
By. Maricris Meza