

In A small village there are 200 people in that one people is very honest and great mam.Her name is Ramaju.In that village he live is Killapillai.There many people fight against Ramaju.But Ramaju never took back foot in life.He always goes front in life.From that time onwards No one talking to Ramaju.Onc day Ramaju was not well.That time No one help him at time.But Ramaju never get anger in that situation also.He was silent.After One Month the village people gone to thrill something that time Ramaju seen all people of village and anyone called police and Catch all the people of village.That time people thought Ramaju will say all things to police.But Ramaju Not done like that and support the village people.And
Send the police.Police gone and all gone and fall in Ramaju legs and told we are very sorry for this.We think you will say all thing to police.But you not done like that.Why Ramaju?.Ramaju told I am also memeber of this village so I didn't told to police about It.
so at last all the people of village safe and together.

so from this story we understand that Good person will take any think from you but they don't take revenge from you. This is quality of Good person.!.....